Well,.. the Matrix/DNA Theory has different suggestions:
1) Left handed amino acids are related to birth and grow, while right handed are related to the second phase of any natural system, entropy and death. Below is the universal formula of all natural systems. F1 is the initial source, then the systemic circuit goes clock-wise through left side till reaching F4. Since the circuit is built by the vital cycle process, when applied to a human body which is a system, F1 is the mother, F2 is the baby, F3 the teenage and F4 the young adult. From here, F4, begins entropy, the level of energy decreases, going to F6 ( old adult), to F7 (seniors) and the decomposed cadaver goes back to the source ( it is a closed system), or to other place ( if it is a opened system). At F4 begins the reproductive process and here life demonstrates its wisdom: i the first living system was complete with the two sides, never the first would to reproduce before dying. Pick up the phase of life growing and you will have life forever.
2) Information for left-handed ( F1 to F4) are delivered by planets nucleus reactions reaching the surface and right-handed are delivered by stars like the Sun. So, this meteorite must be from some destroyed planet.