I forgot to add that the difficulty in flying the RTLS manually isn't the "balance the spaceship on a pillar of flame until exactly the right amount of prop is left" part. That's easy (well, relatively easy). The hard part is pulling out at the bottom. As I said before RLTS is an <i>extreme</i> manouver and the stresses on the vehicle are right on the edges of the tolerance limits.<p>Unlike PPA which happens very high in the atmosphere (20 miles plus), the pullout (there's a proper name for it which I can't remember at the moment) happens in dense air. There is a very fine line between being too conservative (in which case you run out of ground clearance) and too aggressive (in which case the wings break off).<p>shuttle_guy has said in the past that the flight control software for the first few missions had a bug (or is that a feature) which would have snapped the wings off if they had to do an RTLS.</p></p>