I haven't read everyone's responses so my answer may sound the same as one two or parts of many....<br /><br />It is false...<br /><br />The comets tail would usually move away from the sun regardless if the comet was moving toward it or away...if merely floating through space, dust that may gush from a comet due to freezing, warming, chemical reaction or other would likely still drift with the comet on a similar path except away from the comet...Solar wind would repel this dust and comet out-gassing away from the sun. so as the comet nears the sun the tail is behind (if there is a back end of a comet) the approaching comet as it passes around the tail stays 180 degrees the other side of the comet and then as the comet heads away from the sun the tail is ahead of the comet as it travels back to the region it came from. As I stated, solar wind makes it to earth in like 15 minutes or something like that so it is logical to believe that the dust will travel the way the wind blows, the comet can't even remotely keep up with that.