brief:<br />If manned flight goes away, the unmanned missions will disappear as well. Maybe not right away, but without the hope, dream, or expectation that it is trailblazing for eventual human missions (no matter what its destination is), public and political support will dry up. <br /><br />Besides, what possible use to daily life do these unmanned missions to Mars, Venus, Pluto, or anywhere else, have. Just to keep some over-paid scientists employed, at least that is the view of many I know. There is no tangible benefit to the average person on the street. Waste, that's what it is, in the minds of many. Manned and Unmanned. <br /><br />Many beleive that a space program that goes beyond launching communication and GPS satellites is a waste of their tax dollars.<br /><br />Me:<br />Ask yourself why the public turned its back on spaceflight. They did so in part because our media machine is highly effective in shaping public opinion and back in the early 1970s, a couple of questions were posed through media reports during and post Apollo.<br /><br />1.....If man can go to the moon, why can't he cure cancer? Or whatever you want to put in place of cancer.<br /><br />2.....Money saved by cutting human spaceflight could be better spent right here on Earth.<br /><br />If the media would have used those comments to illustrate todays $400 billion deficit waste, or the $100 billion plus rebuild in Iraq...the public could at least put Human Space Flight (HSF) spending in its true perspective.<br /><br />The media and public at large have also lost the ability to realize that if you cut NASA clear out tomorrow, the government will not plow the savings our way. They will find some other way to spend it.<br /><br />I came to realize this over two decades ago when I waited to see what post Apollo savings would be spent on. Would it benefit cancer patients? The homeless? Other social ills? Then I asked myself...whatta ya...insane? The government isn't going to insure the money saved is spent wise <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><strong>My borrowed quote for the time being:</strong></p><p><em>There are three kinds of people in life. Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen...and those who do not know what happened.</em></p> </div>