Best full spectrum video cameras

Dec 24, 2021
Hi, there is a video of a UFO that was captured on video by the Chilean Air Force. The witnesses claimed that it could not be seen with the naked eye. But they were able to see and film it with a thermal imaging (infrared) video camera. Will a full spectrum video camera, capture the same type of images as the Chilean camera did? I want to purchase a video camcorder that can detect heat signatures in the sky too? Can anyone tell me the difference between night vision and infrared video camcorders, or recommend one that will perform this function? Thanks.
Dec 24, 2021
You need a thermal imaging camera. They are somewhat expensive, starting at around $1000 and going up to about $50,000. Here is the low end:
Compact Handheld Thermal Camera | PTi120 Pocket Thermal Camera | Fluke

OK, so a full spectrum video camera will not do the same thing, as the camera you suggested? I only ask this because you didn't address that part of my question directly. Its beginning to look like there's a learning curve here that I'm going to have to learn. Thanks.
Dec 24, 2021
Here is an inexpensive "full spectrum" video camera that claims to be able to see in the infra red. I cannot vouch for it as I don't have one of them like I do the Fluke. ZOHULU
I took a look at them. Not sure I will buy that though. I guess I'm still on the hunt for something else, but thank you for looking that up for me. I kind of wish there would have been more responses or interest to my question. Maybe I posted it in the wrong section, or wrong forum lol who knows. Anyway, I hope you have a great 2022.

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