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Aug 14, 2020
There is a split screen between the superposition "Universe (U)" and the continuously extending infinity of "universe(s) (u)", Harry:

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In my opinion the BB never happened.
But! I do encourage science to pursue the research for and against.

[Submitted on 6 Aug 2024]

Reconciling Cosmological Tensions with Inelastic Dark Matter and Dark Radiation in a U(1)D Framework​

Wonsub Cho, Ki-Young Choi, Satyabrata Mahapatra
We propose a novel and comprehensive particle physics framework that addresses multiple cosmological tensions observed in recent measurements of the Hubble parameter, S8, and Lyman-α forest data. Our model, termed `{\bf SIDR+zt}' (Self Interacting Dark Radiation with transition redshift), is based on an inelastic dark matter (IDM) scenario coupled with dark radiation, governed by a U(1)D gauge symmetry. This framework naturally incorporates cold dark matter (DM), SIDR, and the interactions between these components. The fluid-like behavior of the dark radiation component, effectively mitigates both the Hubble and S8 tensions by suppressing free-streaming effects. Simultaneously, the interacting DM-DR system attenuates the matter power spectrum at small scales, potentially reconciling discrepancies in Lyman-α (Ly-α) observations. The inelastic nature of DM provides a distinct temperature dependence for the DM-DR interaction rate determined by the mass-splitting between the inelastic dark fermions which is crucial for resolving the Ly-α discrepancies. We present a cosmologically consistent analysis of the model by solving the relevant Boltzmann equations to obtain the energy density and number density evolution of different species of the model. The DR undergoes two ``steps" of increased energy density when the heavier dark species freeze out and become non-relativistic, transferring their entropy to the dark radiation and enhancing ΔNeff. The analysis showcases the model's potential to uphold the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) prediction of ΔNeff but dominantly producing additional contributions prior to recombination, while simultaneously achieving correct relic density of DM though an hybrid of freeze-in and non-thermal production.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Cat said
Harry, I had difficulty with this link, so here is direct link. Hope this is OK :)""

The paper is completely wrong.
There are assumptions to make the BB work.

I was not saying I agreed with that paper. I thought I was simply providing a direct link, as I had some difficulty. Was that not the correct paper?

Cat :)
Your thoughts

[Submitted on 15 Jun 2015 (v1), last revised 30 Jun 2015 (this version, v2)]

The Growth Efficiency of High-Redshift Black Holes​

Fabio Pacucci, Marta Volonteri, Andrea Ferrara
The observational evidence that Super-Massive Black Holes (M∙∼109−10M⊙) are already in place less than 1Gyr after the Big Bang poses stringent time constraints on the growth efficiency of their seeds. Among proposed possibilities, the formation of massive (∼103−6M⊙) seeds and/or the occurrence of super-Eddington (M˙>M˙Edd) accretion episodes may contribute to the solution of this problem. In this work we analytically and numerically investigate the accretion flow onto high-redshift (z∼10) black holes to understand the physical requirements favoring rapid and efficient growth. Our model identifies a "feeding-dominated" accretion regime and a "feedback-limited" one, the latter being characterized by intermittent (duty cycles D≲0.5) and inefficient growth, with recurring outflow episodes. We find that low-mass seeds (≲103−4M⊙) evolve in the feedback-limited regime, while more massive seeds (≳105−6M⊙) grow very rapidly as they are found in the feeding-dominated regime. In addition to the standard accretion model with a fixed matter-energy conversion factor (ϵ=0.1), we have also explored slim disk models, appropriate for super-Eddington accretion, where radiation is trapped in the disk and the radiative efficiency is reduced (ϵ≲0.04), which may ensure a continuous growth with M˙≫M˙Edd (up to ∼300M˙Edd in our simulations). Under these conditions, outflows play a negligible role and a black hole can accrete 80%−100% of the gas mass of the host halo (∼107M⊙) in ∼10Myr, while in feedback-limited systems we predict that black holes can accrete only up to ∼15% of the available mass.
Think about the time frame and size of the black holes

[Submitted on 17 Jun 2015 (v1), last revised 24 Aug 2015 (this version, v2)]

Shining in the Dark: the Spectral Evolution of the First Black Holes​

Fabio Pacucci, Andrea Ferrara, Marta Volonteri, Guillaume Dubus
Massive Black Hole (MBH) seeds at redshift z≳10 are now thought to be key ingredients to explain the presence of the super-massive (109−10M⊙) black holes in place <1Gyr after the Big Bang. Once formed, massive seeds grow and emit copious amounts of radiation by accreting the left-over halo gas; their spectrum can then provide crucial information on their evolution. By combining radiation-hydrodynamic and spectral synthesis codes, we simulate the time-evolving spectrum emerging from the host halo of a MBH seed with initial mass 105M⊙, assuming both standard Eddington-limited accretion, or slim accretion disks, appropriate for super-Eddington flows. The emission occurs predominantly in the observed infrared-submm (1−1000μm) and X-ray (0.1−100keV) bands. Such signal should be easily detectable by JWST around ∼1μm up to z∼25, and by ATHENA (between 0.1 and 10keV, up to z∼15). Ultra-deep X-ray surveys like the Chandra Deep Field South could have already detected these systems up to z∼15. Based on this, we provide an upper limit for the z≳6 MBH mass density of ρ∙≲2.5×102M⊙Mpc−3 assuming standard Eddington-limited accretion. If accretion occurs in the slim disk mode the limits are much weaker, ρ∙≲7.6×103M⊙Mpc−3 in the most constraining case.
This is a catch 22.
Trying to fit the BBT into Black Hole Evolution is very hard to do.

[Submitted on 5 Jul 2019]

Mass transport in galaxy discs limits black hole growth to sub-Eddington rates​

Daniel S. Eastwood, Sadegh Khochfar, Arthur Trew
Super-massive black holes (SMBHs) observed to have masses of M∙∼109M⊙ at z≳6, <1 Gyr after the Big Bang, are thought to have been seeded by massive black holes which formed before growing concurrently with the formation of their host galaxies. We model analytically the idealised growth of seed black holes, fed through gas inflow from growing proto-galaxy discs. The inflow depends on the disc gravitational stability and thus varies with black hole and disc mass. We find that for a typical host halo, the efficiency of angular momentum transport, as parametrised by the disc viscosity, is the limiting factor in determining the inflow rate and the black hole accretion rate. For our fiducial case we find an upper black hole mass estimate of M∙∼1.8×107M⊙ at z=6. Only in the extreme case of ∼1016 M⊙ haloes at z=6 produces SMBH masses of ∼109 M⊙. However, the number density of such haloes is many orders of magnitude below the estimated 1 Gpc−3 of SMBHs at z=6, indicating that viscosity driven accretion is too inefficient to feed the growth of seeds into M∙∼109M⊙ SMBHs by z∼6. We demonstrate that major mergers are capable of resolving the apparent discrepancy in black hole mass at z=6, with some dependence on the exact choice of orbital parameters of the merger.
These papers are stuck on the BBT.
Assuming some facts to fit the BBT.
In deep Field images, we see billions of galaxies at 13.4 Billion Years.
400 million years to form billions galaxies is too far fetched.
Our Solar System is minimum 7 billion years.
now think of a few billion stars in the Milky Way
over 260 galaxies in our Local Group of Galaxies.
About 100 Local groups form our super cluster VIRGO which spans about 110 million light years.
Now Super Clusters that we can see are over 10 million.
Do your maths

NASA told me that Time and space during the early years was different.
Take this With a pinch of salt.

[Submitted on 6 Dec 2023]

GA-NIFS: JWST discovers an offset AGN 740 million years after the Big Bang​

Hannah Übler, Roberto Maiolino, Pablo G. Pérez-González, Francesco D'Eugenio, Michele Perna, Mirko Curti, Santiago Arribas, Andrew Bunker, Stefano Carniani, Stéphane Charlot, Bruno Rodríguez Del Pino, William Baker, Torsten Böker, Giovanni Cresci, James Dunlop, Norman A. Grogin, Gareth C. Jones, Nimisha Kumari, Isabella Lamperti, Nicolas Laporte, Madeline A. Marshall, Giovanni Mazzolari, Eleonora Parlanti, Tim Rawle, Jan Scholtz, Giacomo Venturi, Joris Witstok
A surprising finding of recent studies is the large number of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) associated with moderately massive black holes (log(M∙/M⊙)∼6−8), in the first billion years after the Big Bang (z>5). In this context, a relevant finding has been the large fraction of candidate dual AGN, both at large separations (several kpc) and in close pairs (less than a kpc), likely in the process of merging. Frequent black hole merging may be a route for black hole growth in the early Universe; however, previous findings are still tentative and indirect. We present JWST/NIRSpec-IFU observations of a galaxy at z=7.15 in which we find evidence for a log(M∙/M⊙)∼7.7 accreting black hole, as traced by a broad component of Hβ emission, associated with the Broad Line Region (BLR) around the black hole. This BLR is offset by 620 pc in projection from the centroid of strong rest-frame optical emission, with a velocity offset of ∼40 km/s. The latter region is also characterized by (narrow) nebular emission features typical of AGN, hence also likely hosting another accreting black hole, although obscured (type 2, narrow-line AGN). We exclude that the offset BLR is associated with Supernovae or massive stars, and we interpret these results as two black holes in the process of merging. This finding may be relevant for estimates of the rate and properties of gravitational wave signals from the early Universe that will be detected by future observatories like LISA.
Years gone by scientists were funded if they promoted the BBT.

If you did not promote the BBT your funds stopped and in many cases scientists removed from forums and science groups.

Is this still going on?
Time is not a physical item.
It cannot be altered in any way.

In an endless process of recycling.
The origin of each cycle can be measured or estimated.

The origin of all, there is no origin.
Matter cannot be created or destroyed.
Change from one phase to another.
Do not get me wrong.
I hope they prove the BBT.

[Submitted on 19 Aug 2024]

Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis on a bubble universe nucleated in Kerr-AdS5 Black Hole​

Akira Dohi, Issei Koga, Kazushige Ueda
We present the Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) simulation with a bubble universe scenario around a rotating black hole (BH) in Kerr-AdS5 spacetime to explain recently updated observations of light elements such as the primordial helium abundance. In this scenario, the geometry of the 4D- early Universe is described as a vacuum bubble that undergoes quasi-de Sitter expansion in Kerr- AdS5 spacetime. We find that the BH mass and spin parameter, which show an anti-correlation against the total radiation, are important to resolve the 4He anomaly. The present results provide clues to finding a connection between the observed results of light-element nucleosynthesis and the scenario of the 4D-bubble universe in AdS5 spacetimes
Please read this for yourself without my opinion.

[Submitted on 20 Aug 2024]

Accelerated Emergence of Evolved Galaxies in Early Overdensities at z∼5.7​

Takahiro Morishita, Zhaoran Liu, Massimo Stiavelli, Tommaso Treu, Michele Trenti, Nima Chartab, Guido Roberts-Borsani, Benedetta Vulcani, Pietro Bergamini, Marco Castellano, Claudio Grillo
We report the identification of two galaxy overdensities at z∼5.7 in the sightline of the galaxy cluster Abell 2744. These overdensities consist of 25 and 17 member galaxies, spectroscopically confirmed with JWST NIRSpec/MSA and NIRCam/WFSS. Each overdensity has a total stellar mass of ∼2×1010M⊙ and a star formation rate of ∼200M⊙/yr within a central region of radius R=2 Mpc (physical). The sensitive PRISM spectra allow us to identify six galaxies that show weak Ha+[NII] emissions within the overdensities (27±6%), whereas the fraction of such galaxies is found significantly lower (6±2%) in field samples of the equivalent redshift range. These weak emission line galaxies, dubbed as wELGs, exhibit a strong continuum break at 4000AA rest-frame, a characteristic feature of evolved stellar populations. The high observed fraction of wELGs in the two overdensities is consistent with the idea that high-density environments are an ideal site where galaxies can accelerate their evolutionary pace compared to field analogs. Our study pinpoints an early onset of environmental effects, already important within one billion years after the Big Bang, and provides a complementary perspective on the emergence of quenched, massive galaxies at lower redshifts. Potential contributions from black hole accretion feedback to the reduction of star formation activity are discussed, but the connection to the local environments remains unclear.
Even though I can't entirely agree with the BBT, I would encourage research to prove the theory right.
Saying that make up your minds.

[Submitted on 21 Aug 2024]

Nonminimal Superheavy Dark Matter​

Sarunas Verner
We investigate the gravitational production of superheavy scalar fields with nonminimal coupling during and after inflation. We derive analytical approximations using the mode function solution in a de Sitter background and also apply the steepest descent method. We study both positive and negative nonminimal couplings and show that their comoving number density spectra behave differently in the short and long wavelength regimes. We numerically compute the comoving number density spectra and dark matter abundance for a broad range of superheavy spectator fields exceeding the Hubble scale during inflation, with mχ>HI, and nonminimal couplings ranging from −300≤ξ≤300. When computing the allowed dark matter parameter space, we impose the maximum reheating temperature constraint, the Big Bang nucleosynthesis constraint, and the isocurvature constraint. We show that the presence of a positive or negative coupling ξ can expand the parameter space up to 3 orders of magnitude above the Hubble inflationary scale, allowing such dark matter candidates to be as heavy as ∼1016GeV in the Starobinsky model of inflation.
I tried to make a brief note, but! it was lost in transit.
So posted the total intro.
Trying to prove the BBT is harder than it seems.

[Submitted on 22 Aug 2024]

New Limits on Light Dark Matter-Nucleon Scattering​

Peter Cox, Matthew J. Dolan, Joshua Wood
We derive new bounds on hadronically-interacting, sub-GeV mass dark matter. First, we show that one-loop interactions with photons can be sufficient to maintain equilibrium between the dark matter and Standard Model sectors at MeV temperatures, resulting in constraints from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Cosmic Microwave Background. Using chiral perturbation theory, we find that this leads to an upper bound on the dark-matter--nucleon scattering cross-section that is orders of magnitude stronger than existing astrophysical constraints. Furthermore, we compute new bounds from rare Kaon decays and find that these provide even stronger constraints. Our results have implications for future direct detection experiments aiming to search for MeV-scale dark matter.

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