Black holes shouldn't echo, but this one might. Score 1 for Stephen Hawking?

Nov 18, 2019
Actually there is no such thing called "black holes" as singularities of spacetime in nature because spacetime itself is just a wrong concept from Einstein's relativity which has already been disproved both theoretically and experimentally (see peer-reviewed journal paper ). The paper has proved theoretically that our physical time i.e. the clock time is Lorentz Invariant, absolute and independent of the three-dimensional physical space, and the most reliable experimental evidence is that the atomic clocks on the GPS satellites are synchronized relative to all reference frames to show the same absolute time after corrections, directly disproving the claim of special relativity that clocks can never be synchronized relative to more than one inertial reference frame no matter how you correct them.
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When two neutron stars slammed together far off in space, they created a powerful shaking in the universe — and their echoes could violate Einstein's theory of relativity.

Black holes shouldn't echo, but this one might. Score 1 for Stephen Hawking? : Read more

"But in the 1970s, Stephen Hawking wrote a series of papers suggesting that the borders of black holes aren't quite so smooth. Instead, they blur thanks to a series of effects linked to quantum mechanics that allow "Hawking radiation" to escape. In the years since, a number of alternative black hole models have emerged, where those smooth, perfect event horizons would be replaced with flimsier, fuzzier membranes."

Looks like efforts to test quantum gravity here, something critical to inflation and multiverse doctrine in the Big Bang model.

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