Can Criss Angel actually levitate?

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To those that believe Criss Angel is a true levitator observed with his arms stretched out in a Messianic style, or believe that he can literally walk on water – again in a Christ-like way. You probably believe that WWE wrestling is not-fake too. No one’s mind can be that simple to believe that all of these things actually happen – where we hear about fortune tellers winning billions of dollars in predicting actual lottery numbers – yea right – never happened!! To date, not one single person who claims to “see things” has ever magically and mysteriously picked the correct sequence of numbers to win anything significant. EVER! There is no line of people bankrupting state lotteries with all of these magical powers! OMG – were you a nerd and picked on in school? <br /><br />Someone wrote that the swamis are just so generous and Jesus-like that they would never devoutly give away the secret-codes to winning things or really you know - helping people – strange that they’re not donating all of their airtime to charity or doing their show for free – forgoing pay to be the only soul on his or her show to make a charitable gesture while everyone else is raking in the dough. It is all entertainment folks. Unless you actually believe that somehow – historically and scientifically we’ve been able to circumvent gravity – where CNN, Headline News, Fox News or any news is interrupting any broadcast reporting live to say “WE – Can-Fly!” Its Entertainment folks! I hate to break it to you – let’s grow up. You can be different if you want though – that’s in the constitution – but there sure are a lot of nerds and corner geeks who are typical in being defiantly different “just-because.”<br />


Funny thing about Criss Angel, when I first saw the commercial for his show, I thought, that looks like it would be cool. He looks like a cool magician.<br /><br />Then I watched the show and heard him speak.<br /><br />He is a good magician though.


Amen to that, it is purely for entertainment and show. Just because Angel might have some new tricks up his sleeve, doesn't make him any different than Lance Burton or David Copperfield. Although I do respect magicians, because they still pull off things that are utterly mind boggling! They have the ability to stretch the imaginations, and bring smiles to the faces of people, whether they're 9 years old or 90 years old.<br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><strong><font color="#ff0000">Techies: We do it in the dark. </font></strong></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>"Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.</strong><strong>" -Albert Einstein </strong></font></p> </div>
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