They have momentum now, but every economy goes bust at some point, ours did in the 30's, Soviet's did before it collapsed. If China tried to have a space program and build an N1 clone or Saturn V knockoff it would burst the bubble. They have no where near the know how, workmanship, or the resources to do it. In the 60's both us and the Soviets were launching a few manned missions a year. The Chinese have done two two years apart, and the next one is hardly a blip on the radar. And as far as political support, Communism can give their space program all the support they want, but they also get all the bureaucracy and interference. The same thing will happen in China that happened in Russia: the Communist government will make their space program one huge political white elephant, it will interfere with everything they try to do, their moon rocket will be a hyper over budget firework, and they will never be able to accomplish anything since everything they do will be in response to what we have already done. China has a snowball in hell's chance of getting to the moon with a government that will micromanage their space program to death, or to Russia's level. Besides, China does not have the economic resources or money to devote to a space program as big as Apollo. I have a friend who has been to China, with poor people everywhere and most of the population making less than one buck an hour, do you think that the populace cares about a space program or that they can dedicate almost thirty billion dollars a year to have an Apollo like program? Not a chance. If Russia couldn't than China doesn't stand a chance. <br /><br />"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." John F. Kennedy