Even though the universe seems to be more complex structure composed of infinite number of things including both living and non-living things, actually on physics aspect all of them would fall under some special category called ‘Three’. That is all the things in the universe can be classified under simply three. How? In case of Matter it is accompanied by two more things; Dark Matter and Antimatter. So totally there are three. Similarly, energy of the universe is decomposed into Light Energy, Non-light energy (say potential energy) and Dark Energy. These are the strong evidences for the universe is made of three’s. So if we can explain about the cosmology or universe based on this classification means then every mystery about the world would come to an end. Thus simply the ‘Three’ is a key to unlock the secrets and mysteries of the universe.
So, first in order to understand the actual fact behind this outstanding powerful number Three and how it affects the entire universe when I made in-depth research about it led me formulating a afresh universal theory under the title “The Theory of Three” that also contains a new law called “The law of Three” helped me deduce the most mysterious things such as the dark energy, dark matter and the supermassive black hole in the world not yet revealed. There is a detailed description about everything in the original article the Theory of Three. Only the required portion from the article is given and explained here for reference.
To understand the importance of the ‘Three’ a lot of things can be taken as examples in the real world. Populating the list of Three’s may be either simple things or complex things. The following list is the things that are composed of three.
When we consider the things with three parts, we can mainly remember household things; A Fan with three subdivisions (Electric motor, Connecting rod and Wings); further there are three wings on the fan. An electrical socket of a plug to be inserted has three holes (Neutral, Hot and Ground) on the Electric panel board. Door set with a Frame, Door and Hinges. A Locking Mechanism with a key and a lock. A Bicycle with Three wheels (Two wheels on the front and rear side and a crank set at the central position which functions as the third wheel for a bicycle). A Home PC with basic I/O devices (Keyboard, Monitor and CPU), RGB (Red, Green and Blue) color space — the basic color model that is responsible for generating millions of colors which is the only technique adopted in defining and reproducing colors in the WEB applications and also help deriving CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) color for print applications . Golden ratio maintained in the Egyptian pyramid where the System of Proportions based on Three Classification, and Mysterious Bermuda’s triangle. Likewise the things that contain three can be extended based on our knowledge on three.
Beyond this there are also commonly used abbreviations that consists of only three words such as CRT monitor, LCD TV, LED monitor, MRI Scanner, ATM machines, TAT (Turn-around Time) . . . . . . USA, UNO, WHO, IMF . . . the list may extend to various fields of engineering.
So far we have discussed how the general and familiar things that has three elements surrounding us. Hereinafter we are going to discuss about how the cosmology involved three by obeying the “Law of Three”. To understand the cosmology in detail, careful analysis of the order followed during universe creation is must. So based on this reason the proper procedures followed pertain to the cosmology are needed to be known.
During creation of the universe ranging from living things such as microorganisms up to giant celestial objects a complex technologies had been involved at different level particularly chemistry. To get idea about the Universe creation, after knew the right procedures followed in the cosmology, examined the chronological order, I have developed the universe creation methodology under the title “The Universe creation template” that defines the format of the actual universe creation with examples present in the original version of my article ‘The Theory of Three’ in detail. With the template, I could deduce the actual source of the grand universe, and from the universal law “Law of Three”, the mystery of dark energy, dark matter and the Supermassive black hole could be revealed so far not yet solved. However here I have discussed only the the universal law, gravitational lensing and dark energy. So here is the law:
Almost things are composed of ‘Three’ as inseparable and the rest are “Three dependent” either directly or indirectly. In the later-case, if there is a disturbance in the system on its three dependence just by at least one third (1/3) of its composition, then it would be vulnerable to affect the remaining two other one thirds or collectively two thirds (2/3) of it cause the whole system unity or end.
UNIVERSE CREATION – The Importance Of Light
Generally when we discuss about anything or any hypothesis, there is no way to accomplish without keeping light in our mind. The most general thing: Can anybody think or say about one thing to others without having light in his mind? Can any scientist attempt to think about the scenario of his future invention without keeping light along with his plan in his mind and explain to others and at the same time could they assimilate it without light in their thought? Consequently the design and implementation of his invention could be achieved without light? At least can anybody dream without light? The list of questions can be extended in order to emphasize the importance of light.
One important reason for I have to ask such questions here. In the real world nothing is impossible without light. Therefore the Light is needed before start any work or create anything. So based on the above facts, it must be understood that the Light should the basic thing needed even in case of the Universe creation. Based on the generally accepted cosmological fact, before the creation of the Universe there were darkness everywhere. So some primordial light source should have been required before the universe creation started to overcome the contemporary darkness dominant our real universe. Now until reveal the actual light source let me introduce the most common term “GRAND LIGHT SOURCE (GLS)” considered as a superior light that has an outstanding property comparatively no such a light source still there in the universe.
The primitive light GLS does not literally mean the visible light alone. Actually it covers the complete electromagnetic spectrum ranging from radio waves, microwave, infrared, etc. like emitted from the celestial bodies like sun and stars.
Now, for the term “Grand Light Source” the primordial Electromagnetic Spectrum of the universe mentioned in the previous paragraphs I am replacing the most relevant term. That is the Cosmic Infrared radiation and Cosmic Microwave radiation whose presence is detected and confirmed by the astronomers already. During the formation of these two grand light sources there was surely no source other than the darkness. We have to examine about this relic light source carefully in order to deduce the actual cause for these grand light sources sources cosmic microwave and infrared background.
When we analyze these light sources on physics aspect, it reveals us that these light sources are purely energy and nothing more than that. In the empty or void situation except deep darkness if any energy could be formed means then it is confirmed there would be some sort of energy hidden in the darkness from which this light energy should be derived. Now let us attempt to seek such energy in the darkness. Yes! “The Dark Energy”.
This deduction leads us to consider one important Physics law called “The Law of Conservation of Energy”. The Law of Conservation of Energy states that “Energy can neither be created; nor be destroyed. But can be transformed from one form to another”. Now this law is applicable for cosmology also. So while extending this law to the cosmological entities, the dark energy conversion into the light energy phenomenon became possible and happened. This is the first step followed in the Universe Creation process. Thus the Dark Energy mystery is inferred finally.
Nobody is here without the knowledge of sky. Surely everybody knows about the sky up to some extent. OK; Fine.
Here we are going to discuss most technically about the sky. I believe those who red continuously this “Universe Creation Secret” section from the beginning would surely have not forgotten the question that I asked “What is the boundary of the Galaxy or Universe?” in phase 2 part of the original article “The Theory of Three”. Here is the answer: If there is a light, then surely it should exhibit one of its properties like reflection, refraction, diffraction or polarization. Consequently depend on the requirement there should be vacuum or any material medium made of an optical thing to perform the actual intention of the light. So, in the context of the galaxy/Universe what could be the light? That is CMB (i.e. Cosmic Microwave Background) and Cosmic Infrared background (CIB). What is going to be the medium for the light or the boundary of the galaxy? That is the Sky. Obviously what property does the sky would exhibit? That is the refraction of light rays.
Therefore the sky should be a sole transparent optical arrangement (lens) acts as an intermediate medium of the light and the boundary for the entire galaxy. Hence as a lens the sky is receiving the light signal from the GLS and transmits into the galaxy. This phenomenon is detected readily by the astronomers referred to by the term called “Gravitational lensing” which can be a proof for the complete sky is a transparent optical object.
The Evidence for the sky functions as a lens for the light throughout the galaxy:
“Gravitational lensing” is a natural phenomenon by which light emitted from a distant object is bent by the gravity of the massive object such as galaxy or a galaxy cluster located in the foreground. The name gravitational lensing is derived from the fact that the gravity of the massive object acts like a lens.
Gravitational lensing effect demystified:
Now the Gravitational lensing effect can be verified with equivalent simple optical experiment equipped with a light source and a glass since it is confirmed that there is an interaction of CMB with the optical sky. All the gravitational lensing effects emphasize the refraction of light is happening when the light hit the galactic boundary it bends; the sky. Therefore the refractive material used for the experiment should be a glass Prism. After make the necessary equipment ready with proper arrangement start the experiment by focusing the white light over the prism on one side and notice the light bends (refracting) inside and emerged out of the prism on the opposite side. It is also determined the refracted and emerged rays of light consists a spectrum of colors of light ranging from violet to the red. Among them the violet is at the bottom and the red is at the top of the spectrum. This separation of white light into its individual colors is known as the dispersion of light.
The refractive index is the ratio of the speed of light in the vacuum to the speed of light in a material. There is no standard unit for the index of the refraction. The refractive index of the light depends on the frequency of light in the medium. The refractive index is used to calculate the energy density of a given medium. The larger the index of refraction the higher the energy density is causing more bent of the light. Similarly the least bent is caused by smaller index of refraction with lower energy density and other colors fall somewhere between two extremes.
[Note: Please refer to any simple prism experiment diagram on other websites since here I have no way to insert along with this manuscript or refer to the following website]
Therefore in the spectrum, refractive index of the violet light is larger than the refractive index of red light. So the light rays in the violet region moves slowly and bends down (or distorts) comparatively much. Because already we have seen the energy density distribution at the violet region is high due to the shorter wavelength and longer frequency. This phenomenon literally resembles cold dark matter behavior. On the other hand, due to the less refractive index the red light rays can travel very faster than the violet rays almost equal to the speed of the light contains lowest energy density. The red light has longer wavelength and shorter frequency. This is similar to the Hot Dark matter region.
Finally as soon as the rays emerged out the prism it forms an image of the spectrum on the obstacle acts as a screen in the path of the light. Rays deviated more strongly produce the outer halo which fades away with increasing angular distance from the center which is analogous to the halo caused by the cold and hot dark matter.
Based on our experimental verification, it is confirmed that the behavior of cold dark matter and hot dark matter along the periphery of the galaxy reveals us a big secret about the existence of the grand sky which is naturally composed of an infinite number of polyhedron glass prisms surrounding all galaxies interacting with the light. Therefore the sky can be understood as the combination of the cold and hot dark matter arranged alternatively that surrounds the galaxy. Thus the mystery of the gravitational lensing, cold and hot dark matter are deduced.
Since the thin optical layer that holds the hot and cold dark matter of the sky is comparatively smallest than the size of the galaxy, it is undetectable by the spectrometer observations.
Hence the sky composed of infinite number of triangular prisms confirms the support of ‘Three’ for its formation and thus obeys the law of three. Moreover the gravitational lensing effect obeys law of three by having tetrahedron (triangular pyramid) prism: incidence of light, internal refraction of light and emergence of light from the medium.
Even though the universe seems to be more complex structure composed of infinite number of things including both living and non-living things, actually on physics aspect all of them would fall under some special category called ‘Three’. That is all the things in the universe can be classified under simply three. How? In case of Matter it is accompanied by two more things; Dark Matter and Antimatter. So totally there are three. Similarly, energy of the universe is decomposed into Light Energy, Non-light energy (say potential energy) and Dark Energy. These are the strong evidences for the universe is made of three’s. So if we can explain about the cosmology or universe based on this classification means then every mystery about the world would come to an end. Thus simply the ‘Three’ is a key to unlock the secrets and mysteries of the universe.
So, first in order to understand the actual fact behind this outstanding powerful number Three and how it affects the entire universe when I made in-depth research about it led me formulating a afresh universal theory under the title “The Theory of Three” that also contains a new law called “The law of Three” helped me deduce the most mysterious things such as the dark energy, dark matter and the supermassive black hole in the world not yet revealed. There is a detailed description about everything in the original article the Theory of Three. Only the required portion from the article is given and explained here for reference.
To understand the importance of the ‘Three’ a lot of things can be taken as examples in the real world. Populating the list of Three’s may be either simple things or complex things. The following list is the things that are composed of three.
When we consider the things with three parts, we can mainly remember household things; A Fan with three subdivisions (Electric motor, Connecting rod and Wings); further there are three wings on the fan. An electrical socket of a plug to be inserted has three holes (Neutral, Hot and Ground) on the Electric panel board. Door set with a Frame, Door and Hinges. A Locking Mechanism with a key and a lock. A Bicycle with Three wheels (Two wheels on the front and rear side and a crank set at the central position which functions as the third wheel for a bicycle). A Home PC with basic I/O devices (Keyboard, Monitor and CPU), RGB (Red, Green and Blue) color space — the basic color model that is responsible for generating millions of colors which is the only technique adopted in defining and reproducing colors in the WEB applications and also help deriving CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) color for print applications . Golden ratio maintained in the Egyptian pyramid where the System of Proportions based on Three Classification, and Mysterious Bermuda’s triangle. Likewise the things that contain three can be extended based on our knowledge on three.
Beyond this there are also commonly used abbreviations that consists of only three words such as CRT monitor, LCD TV, LED monitor, MRI Scanner, ATM machines, TAT (Turn-around Time) . . . . . . USA, UNO, WHO, IMF . . . the list may extend to various fields of engineering.
So far we have discussed how the general and familiar things that has three elements surrounding us. Hereinafter we are going to discuss about how the cosmology involved three by obeying the “Law of Three”. To understand the cosmology in detail, careful analysis of the order followed during universe creation is must. So based on this reason the proper procedures followed pertain to the cosmology are needed to be known.
During creation of the universe ranging from living things such as microorganisms up to giant celestial objects a complex technologies had been involved at different level particularly chemistry. To get idea about the Universe creation, after knew the right procedures followed in the cosmology, examined the chronological order, I have developed the universe creation methodology under the title “The Universe creation template” that defines the format of the actual universe creation with examples present in the original version of my article ‘The Theory of Three’ in detail. With the template, I could deduce the actual source of the grand universe, and from the universal law “Law of Three”, the mystery of dark energy, dark matter and the Supermassive black hole could be revealed so far not yet solved. However here I have discussed only the the universal law, gravitational lensing and dark energy. So here is the law:
Almost things are composed of ‘Three’ as inseparable and the rest are “Three dependent” either directly or indirectly. In the later-case, if there is a disturbance in the system on its three dependence just by at least one third (1/3) of its composition, then it would be vulnerable to affect the remaining two other one thirds or collectively two thirds (2/3) of it cause the whole system unity or end.
UNIVERSE CREATION – The Importance Of Light
Generally when we discuss about anything or any hypothesis, there is no way to accomplish without keeping light in our mind. The most general thing: Can anybody think or say about one thing to others without having light in his mind? Can any scientist attempt to think about the scenario of his future invention without keeping light along with his plan in his mind and explain to others and at the same time could they assimilate it without light in their thought? Consequently the design and implementation of his invention could be achieved without light? At least can anybody dream without light? The list of questions can be extended in order to emphasize the importance of light.
One important reason for I have to ask such questions here. In the real world nothing is impossible without light. Therefore the Light is needed before start any work or create anything. So based on the above facts, it must be understood that the Light should the basic thing needed even in case of the Universe creation. Based on the generally accepted cosmological fact, before the creation of the Universe there were darkness everywhere. So some primordial light source should have been required before the universe creation started to overcome the contemporary darkness dominant our real universe. Now until reveal the actual light source let me introduce the most common term “GRAND LIGHT SOURCE (GLS)” considered as a superior light that has an outstanding property comparatively no such a light source still there in the universe.
The primitive light GLS does not literally mean the visible light alone. Actually it covers the complete electromagnetic spectrum ranging from radio waves, microwave, infrared, etc. like emitted from the celestial bodies like sun and stars.
Now, for the term “Grand Light Source” the primordial Electromagnetic Spectrum of the universe mentioned in the previous paragraphs I am replacing the most relevant term. That is the Cosmic Infrared radiation and Cosmic Microwave radiation whose presence is detected and confirmed by the astronomers already. During the formation of these two grand light sources there was surely no source other than the darkness. We have to examine about this relic light source carefully in order to deduce the actual cause for these grand light sources sources cosmic microwave and infrared background.
When we analyze these light sources on physics aspect, it reveals us that these light sources are purely energy and nothing more than that. In the empty or void situation except deep darkness if any energy could be formed means then it is confirmed there would be some sort of energy hidden in the darkness from which this light energy should be derived. Now let us attempt to seek such energy in the darkness. Yes! “The Dark Energy”.
This deduction leads us to consider one important Physics law called “The Law of Conservation of Energy”. The Law of Conservation of Energy states that “Energy can neither be created; nor be destroyed. But can be transformed from one form to another”. Now this law is applicable for cosmology also. So while extending this law to the cosmological entities, the dark energy conversion into the light energy phenomenon became possible and happened. This is the first step followed in the Universe Creation process. Thus the Dark Energy mystery is inferred finally.
Nobody is here without the knowledge of sky. Surely everybody knows about the sky up to some extent. OK; Fine.
Here we are going to discuss most technically about the sky. I believe those who red continuously this “Universe Creation Secret” section from the beginning would surely have not forgotten the question that I asked “What is the boundary of the Galaxy or Universe?” in phase 2 part of the original article “The Theory of Three”. Here is the answer: If there is a light, then surely it should exhibit one of its properties like reflection, refraction, diffraction or polarization. Consequently depend on the requirement there should be vacuum or any material medium made of an optical thing to perform the actual intention of the light. So, in the context of the galaxy/Universe what could be the light? That is CMB (i.e. Cosmic Microwave Background) and Cosmic Infrared background (CIB). What is going to be the medium for the light or the boundary of the galaxy? That is the Sky. Obviously what property does the sky would exhibit? That is the refraction of light rays.
Therefore the sky should be a sole transparent optical arrangement (lens) acts as an intermediate medium of the light and the boundary for the entire galaxy. Hence as a lens the sky is receiving the light signal from the GLS and transmits into the galaxy. This phenomenon is detected readily by the astronomers referred to by the term called “Gravitational lensing” which can be a proof for the complete sky is a transparent optical object.
The Evidence for the sky functions as a lens for the light throughout the galaxy:

Hubble Spies Galaxy through Cosmic Lens - NASA Science
This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image features the galaxy LRG-3-817, also known as SDSS J090122.37+181432.3. The galaxy, its image distorted by the effects of gravitational lensing, appears as a long arc to the left of the central galaxy cluster. Gravitational lensing occurs when a large...

Gravitational lensing effect demystified:
Now the Gravitational lensing effect can be verified with equivalent simple optical experiment equipped with a light source and a glass since it is confirmed that there is an interaction of CMB with the optical sky. All the gravitational lensing effects emphasize the refraction of light is happening when the light hit the galactic boundary it bends; the sky. Therefore the refractive material used for the experiment should be a glass Prism. After make the necessary equipment ready with proper arrangement start the experiment by focusing the white light over the prism on one side and notice the light bends (refracting) inside and emerged out of the prism on the opposite side. It is also determined the refracted and emerged rays of light consists a spectrum of colors of light ranging from violet to the red. Among them the violet is at the bottom and the red is at the top of the spectrum. This separation of white light into its individual colors is known as the dispersion of light.
The refractive index is the ratio of the speed of light in the vacuum to the speed of light in a material. There is no standard unit for the index of the refraction. The refractive index of the light depends on the frequency of light in the medium. The refractive index is used to calculate the energy density of a given medium. The larger the index of refraction the higher the energy density is causing more bent of the light. Similarly the least bent is caused by smaller index of refraction with lower energy density and other colors fall somewhere between two extremes.
[Note: Please refer to any simple prism experiment diagram on other websites since here I have no way to insert along with this manuscript or refer to the following website]
Therefore in the spectrum, refractive index of the violet light is larger than the refractive index of red light. So the light rays in the violet region moves slowly and bends down (or distorts) comparatively much. Because already we have seen the energy density distribution at the violet region is high due to the shorter wavelength and longer frequency. This phenomenon literally resembles cold dark matter behavior. On the other hand, due to the less refractive index the red light rays can travel very faster than the violet rays almost equal to the speed of the light contains lowest energy density. The red light has longer wavelength and shorter frequency. This is similar to the Hot Dark matter region.
Finally as soon as the rays emerged out the prism it forms an image of the spectrum on the obstacle acts as a screen in the path of the light. Rays deviated more strongly produce the outer halo which fades away with increasing angular distance from the center which is analogous to the halo caused by the cold and hot dark matter.
Based on our experimental verification, it is confirmed that the behavior of cold dark matter and hot dark matter along the periphery of the galaxy reveals us a big secret about the existence of the grand sky which is naturally composed of an infinite number of polyhedron glass prisms surrounding all galaxies interacting with the light. Therefore the sky can be understood as the combination of the cold and hot dark matter arranged alternatively that surrounds the galaxy. Thus the mystery of the gravitational lensing, cold and hot dark matter are deduced.
Since the thin optical layer that holds the hot and cold dark matter of the sky is comparatively smallest than the size of the galaxy, it is undetectable by the spectrometer observations.
Hence the sky composed of infinite number of triangular prisms confirms the support of ‘Three’ for its formation and thus obeys the law of three. Moreover the gravitational lensing effect obeys law of three by having tetrahedron (triangular pyramid) prism: incidence of light, internal refraction of light and emergence of light from the medium.
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