Check - the BB is 23.25 billion light-years away spatially

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Aug 15, 2024
I still have seen no explanation of how a BH could connect to anywhere, since it is totally a locally created phenomenon.
I cannot process the concept of "the" BH leading to a white hole, that is the edge of our universe, that contains "the" BH in the first place.
Which BH anyway?
"Bounded but infinite spatial universe" is gobblygook to me.
Infinity cannot, by definition, have a beginning, an end, a boundary, a limit, a size; nor is anything excluded. One cannot conceive of a boundary to the Infinite Universe without abandoning the definition. Infinite.
The Infinite Universe contains an infinite amount of "Mother Universes" as well.
Time - in my perspective - is infinite; it's not a force, or an energy, but is a direct result of the fundamental, shared vibrations of everything. Everything vibrates.
Jan 2, 2024
Think about what you said above, Gib! You are talking, herein, mirror image duplicates! They won't do anything, go anywhere, differently than you. If you do anything, they've done it, if you've gone anywhere, they've gone there in duplicate universe. If, somehow, you leave the universe, period, in traveling, they've left the universe in traveling, too.
Atlan I disagree that an infinite universe means mirrors. It just means that every possible thing that may be will be. That would mean there is an Atlan somewhere/somewhen who proves me right, lol
Jan 2, 2024
Infinity cannot, by definition, have a beginning, an end, a boundary, a limit, a size; nor is anything excluded. One cannot conceive of a boundary to the Infinite Universe without abandoning the definition. Infinite.
I understand your point but consider the often made illustration of light travelling on a sphere. It can travel infinitely but it is bounded/limited by the size of the sphere - it does not leave the sphere hence ....

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