These kinds of concerns are only going to grow as real world consequences of global warming accelerate and become more frequent and more severe - because Doubt, Deny, Delay politics with scapegoating of climate scientists and anyone who takes it seriously ("fear-mongering slackers"?) has prevented bipartisan efforts to act and the divisions in turn reducing the effectiveness of policies by those that do believe taking the top level expert advice seriously is the responsibility of those holding positions of highest trust
Currently the global heat imbalance is running at record highs and accelerating.
The ocean heat content is at record highs - well before el Nino has even kicked in. Greenland and Antarctica between them are seeing so much ice loss that it adds up to more than 50 metric tons of melt per year for each person on Earth over the last decade.
Every real world indicator and measure shows we have a serious climate problem - and despite the efforts to promote and encourage fear driven slackers to fear taking action more than they fear destabilising the climate regime of our world large parts of mainstream politics are increasingly serious about. But the effectiveness of those efforts are greatly reduced by the persistent efforts to disparage and oppose and force reduced ambitions and compromise (followed in turn by "See? Action is ineffective!").
If climate activism gets coloured green and leans left it is because those leaning right failed to participate - and went out of their way to frame the issue as green and left in order to discredit the issue. Which arose from long running science programs that previously had bipartisan supported. Activists might have presented as the loudest voices but they only became the spokespersons for action by the failures of mainstream politics to show leadership. I think that is changing, but climate science denial has been profoundly damaging. Likely hundreds of millions of lives will be seriously harmed by that choice to oppose and obstruct. But having taught so many people to distrust climate science and to reject arguments based on facts or reason it has become difficult to turn around and act responsibly without alienating the Murgatroyds, so they double down instead.