Just thought I would throw out a couple of risks facing the Constellation program that I have read about recently.<br /><br />(1) If NASA is funded by a year-long continuing resolution for FY 08 (as it was for FY 07), it would push the operational status of Orion to 2016. Of course, that is when NASA is set to exit ISS, thus giving Orion no effective mission until ~2020 when the Lunar missions are supposed to start. (AW&ST, "Kept in Suspense", Dec 3, 2007)<br /><br />(2) There is currently an amendment to force NASA to continuing flying the shuttle past 2010. Of course, that would suck up all the development dollars for the Constellation program effectively killing it. (NASA Watch)<br /><br />And of course there are less concrete risks because of the presidential elections. On the democratic side Hillary has made little to no commitment to the manned side of space exploration, and Obama has pledged to cut funding in order to pay for education programs.