Cooling glass' could fight climate change by reflecting solar radiation back into space

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Been reading about this for 10 years now.

Way too expensive. This product isn't meant to help the planet, it's meant to fill pockets with money. It probably takes more heat to make it, than it can exhaust.

Make your own 10 um slot emitter. All one needs is quartz sand......and a rock crusher. Crush the sand into a powder. Stick a thermometer into a pile of the crushed sand. Place sand in sun. Measure temp. Grind the sand again into a finer powder. Measure temp. Keep grinding until the thermometer drops.

Quartz glass can be ground down to the right size for this......depending on the refractive index of the sand. The right size can drop surface temp, 20-30 degrees F.......from ambient. At high noon. This sand can be applied with a lacquer to make a surface film. And in many places, this temp drop can produce water from air. Cooling and water. A self powered home. It's a cheap and common solution. But no money in it. No monthly fees or subscriptions.

Imagine a few miles area in the desert with a cold spot. What do you think would happen?

Warning!!! A group of idiots with political power could use this to harm this planet. We have a cold sink(oceans) for back up, but no heat sink for back up.

The problem with tools and solutions is.......many will abuse them. Like making reflective paint. Or an ice cap in the middle of Australia.

If we had a thermostat for this planet............who might set it? Are we smart enough to set it?
Apr 18, 2020
Been reading about this for 10 years now.

Way too expensive. This product isn't meant to help the planet, it's meant to fill pockets with money. It probably takes more heat to make it, than it can exhaust.

Make your own 10 um slot emitter. All one needs is quartz sand......and a rock crusher. Crush the sand into a powder. Stick a thermometer into a pile of the crushed sand. Place sand in sun. Measure temp. Grind the sand again into a finer powder. Measure temp. Keep grinding until the thermometer drops.

Quartz glass can be ground down to the right size for this......depending on the refractive index of the sand. The right size can drop surface temp, 20-30 degrees F.......from ambient. At high noon. This sand can be applied with a lacquer to make a surface film. And in many places, this temp drop can produce water from air. Cooling and water. A self powered home. It's a cheap and common solution. But no money in it. No monthly fees or subscriptions.

Imagine a few miles area in the desert with a cold spot. What do you think would happen?

Warning!!! A group of idiots with political power could use this to harm this planet. We have a cold sink(oceans) for back up, but no heat sink for back up.

The problem with tools and solutions is.......many will abuse them. Like making reflective paint. Or an ice cap in the middle of Australia.

If we had a thermostat for this planet............who might set it? Are we smart enough to set it?
Is this "common solution" actually in use, anywhere?
Not that I know of. And it's disappointing for it's been 5-6 years now and I have seen no products. And not just with this ground sand. There are several different methods using different combinations of materials, but have not seen any to market. Like the new thermo-electric materials that I been reading about.

And being what I have witness for several decades, the only thing I kind think of is that no income money can be made from it. It's cheap and passive. Or maybe it like the gas fuel rumors.......Big Oil has bought it up to prevent marketing.

It's amazing how years later rumors turnout to be true.

If a person or a group is truly concerned with fossil emissions.........Not to mention the money savings.......and no special materials needed.........very surprised that these aren't pushed more.

Easy and cheap to implement. But not a peep from environmentalist. Or the UN.
Apr 18, 2020
Not that I know of. And it's disappointing for it's been 5-6 years now and I have seen no products. And not just with this ground sand. There are several different methods using different combinations of materials, but have not seen any to market. Like the new thermo-electric materials that I been reading about.

And being what I have witness for several decades, the only thing I kind think of is that no income money can be made from it. It's cheap and passive. Or maybe it like the gas fuel rumors.......Big Oil has bought it up to prevent marketing.

It's amazing how years later rumors turnout to be true.

If a person or a group is truly concerned with fossil emissions.........Not to mention the money savings.......and no special materials needed.........very surprised that these aren't pushed more.

Easy and cheap to implement. But not a peep from environmentalist. Or the UN.
Cost of materials is rarely a profit center. Money would be made on packaging and installing the product. Most likely not on the market because the whole package (much more than cost of materials) would be uneconomical to sell.

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