Cosmic fireworks in nearby galaxies shine light on star formation

The article states, "By combining the distinctive powers of the trio of telescopes — Very Large Telescope, ALMA and Hubble — the team could scan the galactic neighborhood in visible, near-infrared and radio wavelengths, each observation unveiling distinct parts of the observed galaxies."

90 some galaxies and many thousands of nebulae studied in the report. Explosive star formation observations? The observations of *star formation* in these galaxies are not the same as dark star formation or Population III stars in BB cosmology. These stars (assumes they existed) *evolved* in a very different universe, very different size and very different CMBR temperature as well as no dust grains for star formation.

The report by features some very good galaxy images. NGC 4303 is a good example, M61. Messier 61 - Wikipedia
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