Just a couple of questions please about just how far back we can model.

May 23, 2021
My understanding of things concerning the Universe and the Big Bang.

1. All of the hydrogen, lithium, and even space itself was created during the Big Bang. I wonder if space was already there and the Big Bang bonded time to it creating Quantum Mechanics? Could this then allow for a quantum fluctuation to then exist to create the Universe?

2. Inflation would have had to happen fast enough to prevent the collapse of the entire Universe into one giant black hole. I wonder if it were just a bit slower than predicted, slow enough perhaps for ultra massive stars millions of times the mass of the sun to form for an instant and then immediately collapse into quasars which could have lead to galaxy formation in the same way that Wolf-Rayet stars do today? Expansion would have to be fast enough to prevent gravity from binding them all together, but slow enough to allow such supermassive objects to form.

3. Since the Universe was so dense during those first few moments, would a hypothetical sound wave be able to travel through it? Not saying "God" per say, but just a side effect of that quantum fluctuation? A side effect that was able to reverberate about a tiny universe causing enough variability to create the CMB as an end result? A sound wave reflecting off the boundaries of the expanding universe unto itself both causing both interference and amplification?


Aug 14, 2020
Infinity (infinities) and eternity are two entities that can exist (including to have existed 14 billion and limitlessly more years ago) but never be observed to exist because neither is finite local-relative.

Thus, what is observed, or rather what we are trying to observe, is a superposition closed up to infinitely dense (infinite zero (think "Schrodinger cat")) collapsed cosmological constant (/\) (Big Crunch) Big Background (BB) Planck Horizon, aka the Big Bang -- or alternatively the Big Wimp -- (BB/BW) Horizon that shapes the same in grid-lines, here and now to there and then (there and now to here and then), as an illustration of a neverendingly continuous "Klein bottle" (the perfect ending is a perfectly endless beginning):
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My understanding of things concerning the Universe and the Big Bang.

1. All of the hydrogen, lithium, and even space itself was created during the Big Bang. I wonder if space was already there and the Big Bang bonded time to it creating Quantum Mechanics?
If we rewind the clock more and more, the cosmos gets smaller and smaller. Physics shows that there would’ve been the right temp. to allow essential only hydrogen and some helium to form. Gamow and Alpher did their paper long ago showing this.

Space and time are assumed to be created at the beginning.

If there was space existing before t=0, then we would have no way, so far, to find evidence for it. Thus, it appears that it’s deemed superfluous, at least for physics. Metaphysics, pseudoscience, philosophy, etc. may like it.
2. Inflation would have had to happen fast enough to prevent the collapse of the entire Universe into one giant black hole.
Inflation theory was addd to BBT to help explain two unusually special observations. It was not needed to avoid collapse.
I wonder if it were just a bit slower than predicted, slow enough perhaps for ultra massive stars millions of times the mass of the sun to form for an instant and then immediately collapse into quasars which could have lead to galaxy formation in the same way that Wolf-Rayet stars do today? Expansion would have to be fast enough to prevent gravity from binding them all together, but slow enough to allow such supermassive objects to form.
The very special value for the strength of gravity, surprisingly, was just right to not only avoid collapse but also allow stars to form.

3. Since the Universe was so dense during those first few moments, would a hypothetical sound wave be able to travel through it? Not saying "God" per se, but just a side effect of that quantum fluctuation? A side effect that was able to reverberate about a tiny universe causing enough variability to create the CMB as an end result? A sound wave reflecting off the boundaries of the expanding universe unto itself both causing both interference and amplification?
Yeah, it was likely noisy. There are sound waves propagating in space today (particles bumping particles).
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Aug 15, 2024
"even space itself was created during the Big Bang."
Created of what; and created in what? Created from what?
What container? What source? Where'd "everything" come from?
If it was everything, then it expanded into the nothingness?
Where'd the nothingness come from? Not from the 'everything' in the BB, it logically either was there, or it didn't happen that way, or it almost happened that way. My own view is an infinite universe; that our "universe" is an inconceivably, infinitesimally, tiny little burp in endless space; and that universes happen all the time in the Universe. We will never know; it will forever be an evolving theory.
We depend on the electromagnetic spectrum for primordial data; for who-knows-how-long there were not yet coherent spectrums of anything. Too darn hot. Might have warped Space-Time significantly, etc. Great fiction stuff! "The Zontarans are responsible for the tilt of Uranus"
I would like to hear a case for the state of things before the "beginning". I propose it's an unending cycle.
That’s the unique physical property about nothingness. It doesn’t need to be created. Nothingness is what was there, before any creation.

A true physical zero.

But in today’s physics, zero is only a math concept, not a physical one.

Because of orphan light, manifesting cosmos temperature, no zero can be measured.


Aug 14, 2020
We can't rewind the clock of the universe because, as Stephen Hawking had it with his "Grand Central Station and central clock of the Universe, it rewinds to (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) . . . the past (SPACETIME (t=+1)) is the future SPACETIME (t=-1)), the future (*) is the past (*), the end in the beginning is now (t=0) . . . creation is cosmologically constant (/\), eternally, (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0):

Symmetrically self-similar Illustrations:
Time, regarding the universal Cosmopolis, is coherently symmetrical . . . not, as it is 'Dark-Age' depicted, a double-ended totalitarian state dead letter death watch from a universal hot-state beginning of everything arrow-straight to a universal freeze-state end of everything. That is pure 'Dark Age' stuff.
Jan 2, 2024
We can't rewind the clock of the universe because, as Stephen Hawking had it with his "Grand Central Station and central clock of the Universe, it rewinds to (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) . . . the past (SPACETIME (t=+1)) is the future SPACETIME (t=-1)), the future (*) is the past (*), the end in the beginning is now (t=0) . . . creation is cosmologically constant (/\), eternally, (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0):

Symmetrically self-similar Illustrations:
Time, regarding the universal Cosmopolis, is coherently symmetrical . . . not, as it is 'Dark-Age' depicted, a double-ended totalitarian state dead letter death watch from a universal hot-state beginning of everything arrow-straight to a universal freeze-state end of everything. That is pure 'Dark Age' stuff.
There seems to be an almost desperate need to avoid a cessation/an end. A constant search for a cyclic confinement. It seems so easy: take the infinite line and join the ends.


Aug 14, 2020
There seems to be an almost desperate need to avoid a cessation/an end. A constant search for a cyclic confinement. It seems so easy: take the infinite line and join the ends.
It's not "desperate" for the tree, or any life, including the life of universes, to join all branches (including so-called roots) in the trunk-middle of the tree of life and creation of life (and we presently are that trunk-middle), the "Grand Central Station of Universe" with its peculiarly special clock and its timeless clock time (t=0) as Stephen Hawking put it. Hawking described it in his 'A Brief History of Time' as the ever continuing constant of a middle-road "life zone" that the life of universes never deviates in its migration to, else death if it cannot or will not migrate to remain in the continuing path of a "life zone" constant....

It is an infinite and eternal Universe (singular) of universes (plural) he described in his own way, just as he also told a bunch of panicky physicist peers, who had mathematically reduced the grand total of mass matter and energy in the universe to an ultimate zero, not worry about the reduction as an ultimate future of universes . . . that the grand total is always zero (thus, as far as I interpret that to mean, always totaling 'infinite '0' for an infinite density' of the same).
Jan 2, 2024
AS it turned out he was not happy about 'time' in that early book I think you will find .. I'll check
Yeah, Stephen Hawking did update some of his ideas from "A Brief History of Time" in later works. Over the years, as new scientific discoveries and insights came about, he refined his views on things like black holes and the nature of time.


Aug 14, 2020
Yeah, Stephen Hawking did update some of his ideas from "A Brief History of Time" in later works. Over the years, as new scientific discoveries and insights came about, he refined his views on things like black holes and the nature of time.
Apparently you are unaware that one of the last things he did before he died was prophesy that humans had 1,000 years left, at most, on Earth before extinction if they didn't follow on the paths he described in 'A Brief History of Time'.
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Jan 2, 2024
Apparently you are unaware that one of the last things he did before he died was prophesy that humans had 1,000 years left on Earth before extinction if they didn't follow on the paths he described in 'A Brief History of Time'.
If they follow "the path" they don't die (maybe) but if they do not follow it they do die. I think that's the meaning of that which you say was something I was unaware of. Therefore what?

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