<p><BR/>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>You have once again misstated the mainstream theory of redshift in order to promote your EU agenda. </DIV></p><p>When did I even mention EU theory in this thread prior to now? </p><p>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>Redshift due to expansion of the universe is not dependent on any notion of dark energy.</DIV></p><p>Which is exactly why I asked you to compare and contrast the ideas Ari was presenting and "inflation".</p><p>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>Expansion of the universe, which you have stated in other threads that you do accept, is in fact based on the empirical observations of Hubble which shows that red shift correlates approximately linearly with recession rate.</DIV></p><p>When you say "emprical observations of expansion", you're oversimplifying the issue. We only have "emprical observations" of "redshifted photons". The concept of expansion is actually an "interpretation" of this redshift observation. There is no emprical observation of expansion". Expansion is a concept that is an *interpretation* of a redshift observation, just as Ari's ideas are an "interpretation" of these same observations.</p><p>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'> It is that correlation that shows, to the satisfaction of many scientists including Albert Einstein, that the universe is expanding. </DIV></p><p>I also accept that expansion is a valid way to "interpret" this redhsift phenomenon, and I personally tend to think that the universe is in motion. Whether or not all redshift can be "explanained" by movement alone is another issue entirely.</p><p>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>Hubble's Law was published in 1929.In the late 1990's observations began to become available that showed that the expansion of universe, rather than decelerating as was expected due to the effects of gravity, was in fact accelerating.</DIV></p><p>And from the very start, folks like Arp were pointing out that this "interpretation" may not hold true for every scenario. The acceleration theory didn't come into the discussion untill the 80's. Suddenly in the 80's "DE" went from making up nothing, to composing 75% of the universe.</p><p>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'> Additional observations since that time continue to confirm this finding.</DIV></p><p>Except of course Arps work which tends to punch holes in a simplified notion of redshift being directly related to movements alone.</p><p>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accelerating_universeDark energy has been hypothesized as an explanation of the acceleration of the expansionl, but is not necessary to explain the expansioin itself.</DIV></p><p>I never claimed otherwise!</p><p>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>Your statements regarding redshift are fallacious,</DIV></p><p>Which ones? Be specific. Show me the sentence where I said something fallacious.</p><p>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>and I think deliberately so, </DIV></p><p>Excuse me? What would be the benefit of me deliberately trying to misconstrue any of these ideas? It's one thing to accuse me of ignorance, and it's quite another to accuse me of fraud. At no time have I deliberately tried to mislead you or anyone else on any topic.</p><p>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>They are completely out of place in this thread in what appears to be an attempt to hijack this thread to promote "EU" theory.</DIV></p><p>What? I never even mentioned EU theory in this thread that I can recall. When did I even mention EU theory prior to this post?</p><p>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>EU theory is generally recognized as being completely and utterly wrong. </DIV></p><p>Birkeland currents are an accepted part of contemporary theory, so not every tenet of EU theory could possibly be "utterly wrong", even by current theory. How about going over to the forbidden topic thread I started, and you tell me exactly what you think is "wrong" with it.</p><p>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>Bizarre might be a more accurate term. </DIV></p><p>Oh for goodness sake! Electricity is not "bizarre" in any way, it is a known force of nature, and plasma is a nearly perfect conductor of electrical current. There is nothing "bizarre" about current flow through plasma. You can see it occur inside an ordinary plasma ball.</p><p>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>Tired light, electric comets, the electric sun, the role of the electromagnetic force in overwhelming gravity on cosmic scales,</DIV></p><p>Note that I never mentioned electric comets, electric suns or EM forces overwhelming gravity.</p><p>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>Brinjolfson's plasma redshift, Arp's redshift quantization (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift_quantization)have) etc. been adequately dealt with through the use of real science. </DIV></p><p>What real science? You only presented two basic objections to his ideas, the first of which was irrational since single photons are treated as both particle and wave, and the second one you refused to elaborate on and you never mentioned a page number or a formula that your believed was flawed. You didn't deal with it scientifically, you handwaved it away without so much as a legitimate scientific criticism.</p><p>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>EU seems to attract a class of people with the patience for very detailed observations and the cataloging of those observations, but without the foundational understanding of science to understand what they are looking at.</DIV></p><p>Birkeland was attracted to EU theory and he fully understood what he was looking at. Alfven was also attracted to EU theory and he also understood exactly what he was looking at. This is a goofy argument IMO.</p><p>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>The result is a series of completely off-the-wall theories backed by "looks like" but unquantified and unquantifiable ideas. </DIV></p><p>Birekland never settled for "looks like" in any of his experiments. He *simulated* his ideas in a classic scientific manner. Alfven did this too. Both of them "quantified' their ideas ad nassium, you've just never taken the time to read through all their work. Your personal ignorance of the quantification that has been done is entirely self imposed. </p><p> Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>The exceptioin seems to be the plasma work of Alfven and Birkeland, which is largely out of place and taken out of context in modern astrophysical discussions. </DIV></p><p>What? These are the founding fathers of the theory and Alfven specifically layed out the foundation of EU theory in his book Cosmic Plasma. Birkeland actually did lab work to prove his points and show how electricity was related to astronomical events. These guys did the math you claim was never done.</p><p>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>Holding these EU beliefs yourself is one thing, but prosletyzing for them among people who are just now developing an appreciation for rigorous science is something else again. <br /> Posted by DrRocket</DIV></p><p>Prior to this post, kindly show me where I even even mentioed EU theory in this thread. It seems to me that you're so intent on crusading against EU theory that you simply can't see the forest for the trees. I've stayed completely on topic and I never even mentioned EU theory in this thead until you brought it up. I did mention a static universe idea but I don't even recall mentioning EU theory in this thread until you brought it up and started criticising the idea in this thread. If anyone is hijacking this thread to promote a cause, it's you, not me. You're the one that brought up the topic of EU theory in this thread and your unrelated "cause" seems to be related to bashing the EU concept. </p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature">
It seems to be a natural consequence of our points of view to assume that the whole of space is filled with electrons and flying electric ions of all kinds. - Kristian Birkeland </div>