Criss Angel Discussion Thread (Try to keep posts here)

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Please use this thread to discuss aspects of this topic.<br /><br />Creating new threads on different aspects of the same general topic creates multiple threads on the same topic, crowding out other discussions.<br /><br />Thanks,<br /><br />Wayne <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p>"1) Give no quarter; 2) Take no prisoners; 3) Sink everything."  Admiral Jackie Fisher</p> </div>


I have locked the other threads to try and funnel discussion here.<br /><br />Enjoy folks.<br /><br />Wayne <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p>"1) Give no quarter; 2) Take no prisoners; 3) Sink everything."  Admiral Jackie Fisher</p> </div>


David Copperfield, Criss Angel, David Blain....The late Doug Henning's art surpasses all oh them in my opinion. The afforementioned use set-up stuff...special equipment, whatever. Their tricks amaze you, and you wonder how it's done.<br /><br />However, Doug Henning (and others) use slight-of-hand. The whole trick is pretty much right before your eyes. Those tricks amaze you and you know it's done with great skill, but you still wonder how the heck it's done. <br /><br />Personally, I prefer slight-of-hand over grand illusion. When Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear, I wasn't really amazed. Curtains. When he made the Lear Jet disappear from the middle of the runway with people standing around it, I was amazed, even if it was surrounded by a curtain. I still haven't figured that one out, but I know it wasn't him working alone with skill of hand.


CalCas writes:<br /><br />You know about magicians thread, right. For all in tense and purposes, it's invisable even from inches away.<br /><br />He is on wires. The audience is quite far away from the action and it's not difficult to imagine that they can be made almost invisable. By the way, sometimes a wire does become visable. So what. You only need so many audience reaction shots of people who haven't seen them to make good TV. And, the act of completely hiding them from the camera (or even editing them out afterwards) is childs play. It is, after all, the TV audience that he's after.<br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /><br /> Yah I was thinking the same thing about real tough invisable string of some-sort in order to levitate building to building, I know at good magic shops you can buy invisable string but it's for easy to do magic tricks... I'm trying to figure out where the string is attached from? <br /><br />


Scince you are disputing "gutbuster". It will be preformed and taped by myself and some friends. To show how easy it is done. Soon as i get my buddies together(we have day jobs you know) I will film it and post a link to myspace with the video.<br />So take that and shove it in your pipe Mr "17" year old magician. Your just a "pup" still in this Big DOG world of magic.<br /><br />PS. It will be filmed two ways. <br /><br />1: as a trick<br />2: as a reveal<br /><br />nuff said<br /><br /><br />JASON <br /><br /><br />Oh yeah, heres a link where you can purchase how this trick is done on video.<br />**I AM NOT THE SELLER**<br />This is just to pove its a "well known" trick. Nothing criss invented or has done before anyone else.<br /><br /><br /><br />ALSO<br /><br />Thats a link with video shoing productin use. <br /><br />NOTICE only the hand comes out, not the WHOLE arm lke criss angel OK "magician guy"!!<br />This trick uses a device<br />. <br />Criss Angels modification to the trick was stated previously by me earlier. SO that he can show more ARM than with the gimmick trick i posted above.


Let us know when you have done this I really can't wait to see it.<br /><br />


hey can you reveal some more angel secrets? like the quarter in the arm routine? or anything you want to spill out would be great!!!!<br /><br />maybe when he swallow the needles and they come out his stomach


I see people trying to bring quantum physics into the explanation of Criss Angel's levitation. You're wrong.<br /><br />Others have criticized Criss for the amount of preparation involved in some of his illusions. Please, people, stop saying words.<br /><br />To those of you bringing up invisible magician's thread, you're wrong too. Magician's thread, as far as I've seen, can only bear a certain amount of weight.<br /><br />I have seen the Criss Angel levitation DVD. He gives many explanations as to how he performs his levitations. However, as a magician, I am bound by the Magician's Oath to not reveal the secrets of any trick or illusion. Let me leave you with this: It does involve a magnet, but the magnet does not perform the actual levitation. If you figure it out, you will probably be disappointed for taking it so seriously.<br /><br />Other than that, hello! I'm new here and I hope that I can help out or whatever. Nice to meet you all!


Did anyone here see the pen trick that Criss Angel performed? Well, I feel it's a small little trick and that by disguising it with invisible text it won't hurt anyone. <br /><br />Effect: <br />The magician asks an audience member for a pen. He takes hold of it at both ends with his finger tips. The owner of the pen is asked to name a color. Regardless of what color the audience member calls out, the magician waves his hands back and forth once saying "It doesn't work with (color goes here)." The pen has disappeared! <br /><br />EXPLANATION (highlight the blank area to see it) <br /><font color="#5D6F80"> <br />There are two ways to do this. I prefer the first, but the second works equally well.<br /><br />Method One: A little more complicated than the second. Loop a piece of invisible magician's thread from around your middle finger on your left hand, up your left sleeve, around your neck, and down your right sleeve, with another loop at that end. Pull the same moves as you do with the second method. Then ask for a color, only this time, when you wave your hands, your left hand moving away from your body will actually be pulling the pen up your right sleeve. Note: For this method, an ample piece of magicians wax attached to the pen will work just as well as a loop around the pen.<br /><br />Method Two: Rather simple really. Take a small piece of bungee thread and connect it from the inside collar of your jacket, down your arm (hidden by your sleeve, of course), and connect it to the inside of your cuff. The end nearest to your hand needs a loop in it. Ask for a pen and slip the loop on the end away from the cap, spin the pen, and then continue slipping the cord on until it hooks underneath the cap and clip. Use some good patter to bring your audience's eyes to yours while you do this. <br /><br />Now, cover as little of the pen as you can with your hands while still keeping the cord hidden. Simply ask the color, wave your hands, and poof! The pen is pulled up your sleeve. If t</font>


You may be right GHOST.... but I know you can make string that looks invisible that will support at least 200 pounds this I know from my own experience, it may be somewhat visable from the street at a certain angle but not from the camera's point of few, anyone got any other idea's of how he does it? levitate building to building...?


Does anyone know how Criss does the buzz saw illusion? Showing both parts of his body without concealing them under anything?


The buzzsaw illusion was truly extraordinary. I have no idea how it is done. I would say it was mirrors, but people walked between the two halves of his body.<br /><br />As far as the building levitation goes, I have no idea yet. Wires seem plausible, but highly unlikely.


Guest<br /><br />Criss Angel's<br />AMPUTATION TRICK<br /><br /><br /><br />Criss Angel's<br />MANIKIN TRICK<br /><br /><br /><br />Criss Angel's<br />DISAPPEARING HOT LADY TRICK<br /><br /><br /><br />Criss Angel's<br />YVAN EHT NIOJ LEVITATION<br /><br /><br /><br />Criss Angel's<br />WALKING ON WATER<br /><br /><br /><br />Criss Angel's<br />COIN UNDER DERMIS


The thing that gets me with Criss doing the building to building levitate is that why wasn't it a announced to the public he was doing this? so that everyone could show up and watch instead he just went ahead and did it so that's why I think there was invisible wires or something involved that he didn't want anyone to really spot out if it was a show type event....


dude there was a crane and they/computer took it out..think about what CGI can do these days...taking a crane and cables out of a shot is NOTHING...theres was nobody there becuz he didnt want everyoen to see it ...more chance of exposure...DUH


hey molecularaz if what u say is legit how did angel do the sawing in half illusion? he said he has been working on it for over 10 years so i'm guessing you would know if you really have worked with him before...<br /><img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />


Grabbing items you want from magazines:<br /><br /><br /><br />Or posters:<br /><br /><br /><br />Coin making hands:<br /><br /><br /><br />Playing with graphics on food products to change the actual pieces inside:<br /><br /><br /><br />"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C. Clarke<br /><br />Criss Angel Mindfreak shows on A & E tonight!


Hey when you said he uses string to levitate then how do you explain him floating around like 50 feet in the air when there was nothing but sky above him?


the just "cropped" it out with computer software is very simple to do


I read alot of thread in here about Criss Angel, some of who wonders how he does his tricks, some others hates him. First of all why? He is the best magician, the best tv show of magic ever created, most of his tricks is spectacular. You want to know about the coin trick or levitation buy the mastermind dvd's it explains everything, and on top of that he does levitation more professional. Sometimes I wish everything was revealed so we can all learn from it but what good magic it is if revealed. Most of the stunt you think its made for camera viewers only, he does it from a live audience all the time, go and see him live, what you see is what you get and its all true stuff that looks amazing. "Mindfreak"<br />The guy who claims to work with Criss and revealed some of his tricks cause he was fire, c'mon, do you really work for Criss? if you did then you probably wasn't good at doing the job or you were simply an a**h*l. Haha.<br /><br />try to explain this: <br />- how he got the cellphone inside the beer botte<br />- how he metamorphis in less then a few seconds<br />- how he got away in mid air inside a wood box in new york in front of people and not see his body anywhere until he pops up on top of the mobile truck. <br />- how we uncuff himself in the last minute before having him crush in the wood shepper.<br />This guy is good, can't wait to see more. <br /><br />P.S. cant wait to see magic movies such as: the prestige and the illutionist.<br />
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