I would like to correct a very common error regarding Hubble.
“The constant would be removed from thought when Edwin Hubble convinced Einstein that the universe is non-static. It's expanding, he argued. And as far as we know today, Hubble was indeed correct.”
Hubble was explicit in letting theorists decide if the “apparent velocities”, as Hubble called them, were actual Doppler results. Recall that deSitter’s model explained redshifts in a static model, though he had no mass in his model.
Eddington in ~1930, at a Belgium conference, stated there was no solution that adequately solved the redshift problem. Lemaitre was there and reminded Eddington, his former teacher, that he had the solution presented in his 1927 paper. Eddington asked for an English translation, which Lemaitre was happy to provide.
Once Eddington saw the paper he immediately saw its importance. He quickly showed deSitter who agreed and admitted its simplicity. They both convinced Einstein of it, which set BBT on its great path forward.
But by 1930, Lemaitre was well aware of the better distance data from Hubble, so he dropped the part of his translated paper that had the world’s first estimate for the expansion.
It would be a major find to see any writing of Hubble claiming the universe is actually expanding.
[Adde: There’s a great book on this…Discovering the Expanding Universe; Nussbaumer and Bieri]