Criss Angel - People will only say WOW or **** if it happened

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Pfft....... David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty vanish. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <em>"2012.. Year of the Dragon!! Get on the Dragon Wagon!".</em> </div>


That Statue Liberty trick is just an illusion. David Copperfield is a bag of tricks - nothing more.<br /><br />David Blaine and Criss Angel are the two top magicians in my book.


Watching a David Blaine program once I could easily figure out how he did some of the tricks. Those were some of the most simple ones. If he needs tricks for the simple stuff, the difficult stuff is just made with more difficult tricks. No "magic" there, unless you call succesfully making people believe something that is not magic. I do respect him though, he is very good at making those tricks, one of the best probably.


What about the one where the little girl reached into HER POCKET, and found the card that she selected. Are you suggesting that that David Blaine was reaching into that little girl's pocket and put the card there?<br /><br />The guy's got skills, but he's not perve<b></b>rted like that. There's no trickery.


I don't know how he makes all the tricks, that's what this guys are supposed to do and what they are good for. I do know that people are able to do quite impressive things that appear impossible. Things like building pyramids or the Inca city's in latinamerica with their almost perfect structures are two examples of things that are not easy to explain because there is nobody today to tell us how it was done exactly but, nevertheless, humans were able to do. A guy that manages to put a card on a girls pocket to make a magic trick is not even close as impressive as those things. He could give us a quite logical explanation or maybe there are other people capable of doing that.<br /><br />I remember one of the tricks he did. I don't remember it very well but it was something like this: He "wrote" a number on a piece of paper and then he asked a person to say a number (any). Then he showed the paper and the number he had written was the same one the person said after he wrote it. If you pay close attention, he first makes as if he is writing something on the paper and then takes the paper on one hand and the pencil in the other, as the person says the number you can easily see how he is moving the hand with the paper. He clearly has a pencil or something very small with which to write while the person says the number (something very difficult and quite impressive to do but that is what he is good for). He then shows the paper with the right number.


Putting a card on a girls pocket doesn't make the person pervert. If you want to know how people can reach pockets without the other people noticing just go to Madrid on summer vacation. A guy took my wallet there from a very deep pocket I had in front without me being able to notice it. I didn't even notice someone came as close as to do that. Of course Blaine's motives are very different from this guy's motives, but that doesn't make him a pervert.


We we can see in the video that David Blaine never touches the girl's pocket. I will try to get this video as quick as I can. Then I will make it available to you. I'm using WinMX.


Ok, but maybe it doesn't appear on the video maybe he did it before. It all depends on camera angles too, specially for the levitation tricks.<br /><br /> Lounge Suspension With 3000 dollars and an outstanding ability you can do it too!<br /><br /> Blaine's levitation technics Look at the King Rising Levitation video. Pretty impresive.<br /><br /><br />


The Lounge Supension trick requires some carpet underneath, so the Lounge Supension trick itself is relatively expensive. But in Criss Angel's video, there is no carpet. Also, the woman is able to move her head and feet downwards. I suppose you can't do that with the expensive carpet.<br /><br /><br /><br />Umm. I do not know how it works, or whether it really does. Any takers? <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" />


<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /><p>Putting a card on a girls pocket doesn't make the person pervert. If you want to know how people can reach pockets without the other people noticing just go to Madrid on summer vacation. A guy took my wallet there from a very deep pocket I had in front without me being able to notice it. I didn't even notice someone came as close as to do that. Of course Blaine's motives are very different from this guy's motives, but that doesn't make him a pervert.<p><hr /></p></p></blockquote><br /><br />It's amazing what you don't notice. I saw a video of a magician -- shot in such a way that you could see exactly what he was doing -- removing all sorts of things from the victim. He even removed the man's tie without him noticing, while he was talking directly to the man! And no, it was not a clip-on tie. It was amazing, and almost impossible to follow his movements even when you were watching for them and they were in full sight. He moved that quickly. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#666699"><em>"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly . . . timey wimey . . . stuff."</em>  -- The Tenth Doctor, "Blink"</font></p> </div>


Yea, it's quite impressive what these guys can do. I remembering watching a video of different types of robbery going on on different countries. The methods this people use are uinbelievable. You would never believe you can be victim of such scams. Oh well there is people for everything, that's why I think these magicians are really just very talented people. <br /><br /><font color="yellow">kmarinas</font><br /><br />I think I saw another kind of suspension with more similarities to the one you are saying. I'll post it if I find it. Do you have the card on girl's pocket video?


I just noticed something. On Angel's levitation video, look how the girl's right leg is on top of her left leg. After that, seconds before she starts to "levitate", on the last camera change before it happens, her left leg is on top of the right one. Camera manipulation? sounds possible.


Try this trick:<br /><br />I did it once with some friends and it really worked. I don't usually believe on these things but that was a pretty good one and it left me totally impressed. First we did it to a friend and then to me. It felt pretty awesome when they managed to lift me almost without strengh above their heads. I'm not very heavy but we tried it with a very fat guy and it worked too perfectly! Well, anyway, I tried it again other day with other friends and it didn't work pretty well, they were not taking it seriously enough. But this I can say it works because I've done it. The explanation? I don't know, I'm pretty confident there is a logical one though.


<font color="yellow">I just noticed something. On Angel's levitation video, look how the girl's right leg is on top of her left leg. After that, seconds before she starts to "levitate", on the last camera change before it happens, her left leg is on top of the right one. Camera manipulation? sounds possible.</font><br /><br />Picture below.


ehhh, it appears that in the middle picture she has the left leg above. Look how the right shoe shows up underneath the left one.


yep I see that....<br /><br />hmmmm<br /><br />I DEFintely see that.<br /><br />errr...<br /><br />!!!!!<br /><br />good one.


I confirm that change....<br /><br />Now how about that! I wouldn't have been the one to recognize that.<br /><br />Now, we know that the camera cuts many times, but for the people there, not as many cuts were done (or maybe none at all).


<font color="yellow">Do you have the card on girl's pocket video?</font><br /><br />Yes I do. I find it rather convincing.<br /><br />David Blaine's Card Teleportation: <br /> <br />Even the spectators of his acts are skeptical about Blaine's claims. Then he does what he says, the skeptics are suprised, and it's as simple as that. The intelligent witness is skeptical at first, and then she sees it for her self. Do you think David Blaine told them that they were going to get paid sometime when this video wasn't being recorded? Not everybody will accept bribes, not even for "magic". <br /><br />I will let the video to the rest of the talking <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />


hahaha.... u guys are funny... If you watch the video, you'll need to remember that SOMEbody had to be TAPING that video, right? And I'm almost positive that since the cameraman was filming the girl's card, someone behind him was fishing that card out of another deck and sneaking it into place. I don't think there was any slight on David's part at all, just a little misdirection! Correct me if you think i'm wrong, and by the way how did this post become all about Dave all of a sudden? I still want to know how Criss Angel levitated out in the middle of an open field!!!!!!!! and outside that white building where he was, like, almost 20 feet off the ground!!! riddle me THAT, guys, and stop fretting over some silly little DB party favor!


<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /><p>We we can see in the video that David Blaine never touches the girl's pocket.<p><hr /></p></p></blockquote><br /><br />You see in the video a few cuts that they stylize out so you don't notice them. Otherwise it's a "reverse pickpocket" setup....


I could tell ya..but then I'd hafta kill ya...;) Really, I know the secrets to his levitations(and about 99.999999% of all the magic I see) but I cannot reveal them since I too am a magician. BUT if you can discover how Copperfield did his "Flying", you have all the materials necessary to know how it's done.


ehric<br /><br />After watching Copperfield's "flight" repeatedly until my VCR's head went kapoot, I searched the net to find the trick.<br />Out of all possible explanations I read, the most convincing one was the explanation about a huge magnetic field and a "clad armor" underwear.<br /><br />I am not a magician, but that makes sense to me...<br /><br />Am I on the track...?<br /><br />Regards,<br /><br />arit <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <span style="font-size:6pt;color:#009999;font-family:Verdana"><span style="font-size:6pt;color:#009999"><font face="Times New Roman"><strong><strong><span style="font-size:10pt;color:#009999;font-family:'CourierNew'"><p> </p><p><strong><span style="font-size:10pt;color:#009999;font-family:'CourierNew'">"We will either find a way, or make one!" - Hannibal<br /> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:10pt;color:#009999;font-family:'CourierNew'"><br /></span></strong></p></span></strong></strong></font></span></span> </div>


no, believe it or not, there is a patent for the device. Copperfield isn't the actual inventor of it so you won't be able to find it that easily with a patent search but it can be found.


All I have to say is John Gaughan <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><strong><font color="#0000ff"><br /><br /> <br /><img id="268587ce-7170-4b41-a87b-8cd443f9351a" src="" alt="blog post photo" /><br /></font></strong></p> </div>
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