If the universe is expanding just like stretching a rubber band then everything should be accelerating outwards just like a bubble getting bigger. How is it these 2 objects of such sheer size collide with each other? Galaxies must be having an affect on each other and pulling them in all directions. I think all this stuff about everything expanding is wrong. I think galaxies are going around in circles just like planets going around a Sun. How can we measure things properly. We need to know where we are to make proper assumptions. Imagine a galaxy going in a orbit, it will seem like it is traveling in a straight line, yet is it possible it is travelling in a arc. It would take thousands of years to take correct measurements. Look at the evidence everything is going around in circles. It is impossible to travel in a straight line. Everything is moving in a circle. If this ring of what they call dark matter is the left overs of a collision between 2 galaxy clusters. How is it they collided? I bet this is not the only collision.