Dark matter particle that may finally shed light on cosmic mystery the 'best of both worlds,' scientists say

Jan 26, 2020
Yet another attempt at defining nonexistent dark matter. And more research money wasted! But this search would make for a sorta interesting Sci-Fi documentary.
I agree. I find it almost laughable that so much time is wasted in searching for something that doesn't exist. Funny how ghosts are dismissed because there is no evidence and yet this is EXACTLY what dark matter is ghosts. No one has seen them; detected them and we go off the "effects" happening we cannot understand. Maybe we should start looking at the facts, our science is wrong, that we are apporoaching the universel laws all wrong. it is also possible there is (and to a degree proven) that there is a FIFTH force at play in our universe. The other is that gravity as we know it doesn't act as we think it does, but depending on the circumstances there is a form of localized gravity that we're yet to understand. I am so done with them pushing the dark matter scenario as if it is FACT. it isn't. CERN hasn't discovered it and neither has any other experiment that has tested for it. It's time to swallow that pride and admit you got it wrong. Dark Matter does not exist and there is something else at play here.
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Jan 29, 2023
Please! Stop this utter nonsense.

Every time an experiment searching for dark particles matter is carried out, and fails, another even more way-out idea for an experiment looking for another sort of dark matter particle is suggested - and again fails. So another..... I'm sure you get the drift.

I suggest we finally wake up to reality - that dark matter actually consists of teeny-tiny pink unicorns, who like playing with galaxies like their own versions of rondabouts, but that they're just very, very shy.

Let's be honest. That's a "hypothesis" with just as much validity as any of the other of these failed suggestions.

Let's get with reality. Einstein's GR is just the next level up from Newton, but it's just as much of an approximation.
Jul 6, 2021
Please! Stop this utter nonsense.

Every time an experiment searching for dark particles matter is carried out, and fails, another even more way-out idea for an experiment looking for another sort of dark matter particle is suggested - and again fails. So another..... I'm sure you get the drift.

I suggest we finally wake up to reality - that dark matter actually consists of teeny-tiny pink unicorns, who like playing with galaxies like their own versions of rondabouts, but that they're just very, very shy.

Let's be honest. That's a "hypothesis" with just as much validity as any of the other of these failed suggestions.

Let's get with reality. Einstein's GR is just the next level up from Newton, but it's just as much of an approximation.
The rule of the universe is the KISS principle. Dark Matter is NOT in this category! Look at something simple, like a change in the gravitational 'constant'.
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Jan 29, 2020
Correct. A plasma. Above -272.999999 a gas not massive. Below a different phase massive. Expansion makes things cold so partially extinguishes itself on this effect.
Feb 8, 2020
A new model for dark matter suggests an early universe phase transition and candi particles known as HYPERs could finally shed light on this mysterious matter.

Dark matter particle that may finally shed light on cosmic mystery the 'best of both worlds,' scientists say : Read more
Dark forces exist in space not dark planetary matter particles.

No dark matter or dark energy has been found in space to balance the WMAP dark forces,but could be

1] The dark force of mass attraction G is the weakest of the dark forces in distant space.

2 The electromagnetic dark matter spin force of about 5G rotates galactic stars around a magnetic black hole hub

3. Repulsion by a near 25G dark energy force is responsible for expanding the universe as stars are assumed to have positively charged surfaces and thus repel each other electrostatically.


No dark matter or dark energy has been found in space to balance the WMAP dark forces, but could be

1] The dark force of mass attraction G is the weakest of the dark forces in distant space.

2 The electromagnetic dark matter spin force of about 5G rotates galactic stars around a magnetic black hole hub in x.y direction

3. Repulsion by a near 25G dark energy force is responsible for expanding the universe as stars are assumed to have positively charged surfaces and thus repel each other electrostatically.

See https://magnoflux3d.wordpress.com/
Mar 8, 2022
"The only way dark matter can be inferred currently is through its interaction with gravity,..."

This is where theory is outstripping observation/data.

1) the outer edge of DM doesn't migrate inward due to its own gravity even over the billions of years of a galaxy's lifetime.
2) DM doesn't pile up around stars and planets and amplify their gravity.
3) DM isn't cascading into the central black hole of galaxies
4) there is an unexpected tight correlation between DM and central black hole masses.

..."recent studies have suggested a tight correlation between the masses of the black hole and the galaxy’s dark matter halo."

Both matter and antimatter respond to gravity,
they have to,
it is the shape space-time.

Nowhere inside a galaxy does DM respond to gravity.

"...the HYPER model may address some of the challenges associated with developing a dark matter model, creating it was anything but easy."

Struggling to pound a square peg into a round hole.

Neurotic reflex rather than cool clinical reasoning.

This is where certainty of theory gets in the way of the actual science learning process.
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Feb 8, 2020
Dark matter does not exist but what does exist is a magnetic hub at the centre of every galaxy.
Sagittarius A* blackhole is at central magnetic hub of our galaxy . It is 26,000 lightyears away from earth and visible from Earth through December.

As an experiment we should look at several stars of similar type and magnitude on each side of that hub; that are on the 26,000 lightyears orbit around the blackhole. If our galaxy is magnetised then the ones on one side should be slightly red shifted and going away from us and on the opposite side slightly blue shifted.
A bit of homework for you to ponder as a Christmas present.
While I am agnostic on the reality of something to call "dark matter", I do note that this theory's "phase transition" is really nothing more than the introduction of yet another "fitting parameter" into the Big Bang Theory. According to the article, this new parameter is highly constrained by available observations, and may be disprovable by future observations.

So, I say go ahead and look for the disproof. But, lack of disproof is not proof.

The only way to figure things out is to try to think of different explanation concepts and test which ones still fit when predictable observations are made.

Just posting rants on the Internet that "dark matter doesn't exist" has no scientific benefit.

Coming up with an alternative that does match the observations is what is needed.
Mar 8, 2022
"Despite making up 85% of the matter in the universe..."
Wow, what leap,
all there is is what appears to gravity.

"...dark matter can be inferred currently is through its interaction with gravity..."

It does not in any way interact with any gravity, including its own anywhere within a galaxy.
The only hypothetical is that DM exists and ONLY & exclusively causes gravity.

It is all presumption by simple theory fixated acolytes with zero evidence beyond what appears to be gravity.

There is a tight correlation between the size of the central black hole of any galaxy and the speculated DM there.
Does that happen by magic?

It is proposed to be in these grand sculpted 'halos' with no explanation for how that happens and why are they by in large centered around a galaxy's central black hole in galaxies.

Invisible matter needs invisible physics to sculpt it.

There is actual data of what appears to be gravity,

& thus far anything beyond that is magic pixie dust
and not evidentiary science.

Put up or shut up.

Faith in any theory is not a substitute for actual evidence.

Sheep skins are not a substitute for clear logical thinking.
Feb 8, 2020
As you will have noticed I have postulated that stars are huge positively charged objects made of anti-matter. So we need to watch the Parker Probe most carefully as it gets nearer the suns surface as I can predict that once it enters the antimatter gases in the umbra it will be annihilated. There will be no explosion or damaged matter left it will just totally disappear.
As you will have noticed I have postulated that stars are huge positively charged objects made of anti-matter. So we need to watch the Parker Probe most carefully as it gets nearer the suns surface as I can predict that once it enters the antimatter gases in the umbra it will be annihilated. There will be no explosion or damaged matter left it will just totally disappear.
Your postulates are being ignored here because your "predictions" are actually consistent with current theory and inconsistent with your own postulates.

For example, when the Parker Solar Probe does eventually get engulfed in the solar plasma, it is expected to absorb energy from that plasma and reach a temperature where all of its materials will vaporize and ionize - just becoming part of the solar plasma. In your words, it is already expected to "totally disappear" according to current theory.

But, if the Sun is really made of antimatter, then the results would be far different than what you "predict" in your post. The annihilation of the amount of mass in the Parker Probe would release a tremendous amount of energy, which should be observable.

The info to calculate the energy released by antimatter annihilation of that probe is readily available on the Internet. I will leave it to you to show us that you understand how to calculate it and compare it to the normal luminosity of the solar sphere.
Feb 8, 2020
Sorry, I am an electrical engineer and to me matter is made of spinning magnoflux charged stuff enclosed in either a negative matter enclosure or a positively charged anti-matter enclosure.
When a negative meets a positive they annihilate exactly kg for kg . There is no mc^2 energy just nothing.
Just make sure the sideview NASA cameras are watching the probe carefully.
Feb 8, 2020
In an electricity everything must be balanced. If positive charge current force is moving one way then negative charge current force must always be moving in opposite direction to cancel it.
Same with Newton laws; action and reaction forces equal and opposite. The conservation of energy force also balances.
So the universal law is to balance everything from smallest atom to largest galaxy and WMAP shows us that ^cdm model cannot achieve that balance without using a dark matter force and dark energy force which I am identifying as electromagnetic magnoflux spin x,y force and electrostatic repulsion z force.
All simple physics but it means that the amount of planetary matter stuff in the universe needs to be balanced against an identical amount of anti-matter stuff .
Possibly, NASA can attach a rocket to a tonne of space junk and fire it directly at the sun and we can all watch and see what happens.

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