Hi rod, I've just come across this article claiming to have observed particles popping in and out of existence, by hitting and moving LIGO's 40kg mirrors by 10^-20 metres. It looks as good as your Galilean moons and heliocentric solar system.David-J-Franks. I did not say there was no quantum foam in space, just that so far, testing and verifying is required. Same for quantum gravity and Hawking radiation. Unlike observations of the Galilean moons, I have not seen reports published claiming all of this new physics is verified like the heliocentric solar system and natural laws used to support that model dating back to Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, and Newton.
Would like to know what you think. I'm humbled and astonished by what they're doing, for example, they are detecting movements 10^10 times smaller than a hydrogen atom!

“Spooky Popcorn of the Universe” Revealed: Quantum Fluctuations Can Jiggle Objects on the Human Scale
Study shows LIGO’s 40-kilogram (88 pounds) mirrors can move in response to tiny quantum effects, revealing the “spooky popcorn of the universe.” The universe, as seen through the lens of quantum mechanics, is a noisy, crackling space where particles blink constantly in and out of existence, creat