Question Dark Matter

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David-J-Franks. I did not say there was no quantum foam in space, just that so far, testing and verifying is required. Same for quantum gravity and Hawking radiation. Unlike observations of the Galilean moons, I have not seen reports published claiming all of this new physics is verified like the heliocentric solar system and natural laws used to support that model dating back to Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, and Newton.
Hi rod, I've just come across this article claiming to have observed particles popping in and out of existence, by hitting and moving LIGO's 40kg mirrors by 10^-20 metres. It looks as good as your Galilean moons and heliocentric solar system.

Would like to know what you think. I'm humbled and astonished by what they're doing, for example, they are detecting movements 10^10 times smaller than a hydrogen atom! :)

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David-J-Franks, not familiar with this report but it is interesting. To be as good as the Galilean moon observations, remember these are observed, documented, and tracked now for more than 400 years :) The report says, "As the detector constantly monitors the displacement of the mirrors to any incoming noise, the researchers were able to observe that the quantum noise alone was enough to displace the mirrors, by 10^-20 meter."

This is a very small size but not Planck length or evidence that the universe is composed of a quantum foam with quantum gravity and many other dimensions all around. The other question, how many times has this experiment been duplicated by others using different equipment, like all the documented observations of the Galilean moons over the past 400 years or more?
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Hi rod, I've just come across this article claiming to have observed particles popping in and out of existence, by hitting and moving LIGO's 40kg mirrors by 10^-20 metres. It looks as good as your Galilean moons and heliocentric solar system.

Would like to know what you think. I'm humbled and astonished by what they're doing, for example, they are detecting movements 10^10 times smaller than a hydrogen atom! :)

I think that is the real universe behind the scenes. JMO fluctuation or foam is the great question. I tend to like foam in a bathtub but my wife says i'm full of fluctuation so she wont come near the tub when I'm in it :)

fluctuation or foam is pretty hard to deny with the casimr effect.
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Feb 14, 2020
Dark matter is everywhere and is present where the matter (e.g. as descibed by Quantum Field Theory) is created, thus it is detected by observing whereever matter (mass-energy) is created.
Dark matter is everywhere and is present where the matter (e.g. as descibed by Quantum Field Theory) is created, thus it is detected by observing whereever matter (mass-energy) is created.
I tend to think dark matter is a product of fluctuation and just a temporary product but temporary X universe size = lots of dark temp matter/energy.

IMO it exists and it doesn't depends if you are looking for dark matter or the dark matter effect.
Does not exist between quanta, only nothing exists in that 99% of space.
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Feb 14, 2020
That nothing is also where exists the Dark Matter and the place where it shows up differently is where it is converted to matter-energy and there it is measurable.

Please do not ask me yet about the puzzle of Dark Energy! The answers might be inter-twined in Edge (so called farthest part of cosmos in our current wisdom!) and everywhere whereever there is reconversion of matter-energy to Dark Matter, just two of the possible explanations of DE (apart from the Standard Model and Big Bang Accelerating universe assumptions - currently I disagree with BB)?
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DM is something in cosmology that others kick around with a different solution, negative masses in the universe :) Bizarre ‘Dark Fluid’ With Negative Mass Could Dominate the Universe,

A unifying theory of dark energy and dark matter: Negative masses and matter creation within a modified ΛCDM framework?,, 20-Oct-2018, "ABSTRACT Dark energy and dark matter constitute 95% of the observable Universe. Yet the physical nature of these two phenomena remains a mystery. Einstein suggested a long-forgotten solution: gravitationally repulsive negative masses, which drive cosmic expansion and cannot coalesce into light-emitting structures. However, contemporary cosmological results are derived upon the reasonable assumption that the Universe only contains positive masses. By reconsidering this assumption, I have constructed a toy model which suggests that both dark phenomena can be unified into a single negative mass fluid."

My observation, a critique of the paper is 'On the invalidity of “negative mass” description of the dark sector',, 17-Jun-2019. "It is shown that the concept of “negative mass” introduced by Farnes (2018) to describe the dark sector within a unifying theory with the negative cosmological constant contradicts both the essence of the General Relativity and the available observational data. A viable model with modified weak-field General Relativity is mentioned. Keywords: Cosmological Constant; Dark Matter; Dark Energy."

Another point about DM. Experiments looking for DM here on Earth - have not documented what DM is presently or found the DM particle(s). Precision metrology closes in on dark matter,, My observation. Another test for DM particle comes up short. No DM detected.
Feb 14, 2020
Rod -I will read your papers especially on negative mass.

If we want to detect effects of DM, we have to look at easy places where matter-energy appears, and its simplest form appears to be where elementary particles are created?
Larger bodies such as Earth that have large local aggregate mass may mask the DM induced matter-energy creation process.
That nothing is also where exists the Dark Matter and the place where it shows up differently is where it is converted to matter-energy and there it is measurable.

Please do not ask me yet about the puzzle of Dark Energy! The answers might be inter-twined in Edge (so called farthest part of cosmos in our current wisdom!) and everywhere whereever there is reconversion of matter-energy to Dark Matter, just two of the possible explanations of DE (apart from the Standard Model and Big Bang Accelerating universe assumptions - currently I disagree with BB)?
No real proof that the BB is the universe.
Could be just an event in the universe of quantum fluctuation and just an energy balance products of fluctuation builds all that E and M.
When fluctuation reaches a balance no more E made or destroyed.
Fluctuation spawned from potential energy of void space.

We could be that wrong about the reality of forever, just looking at the wrong stuff (bb) and making assumptions about it.

My guess dark energy probably doesn't exist or is just temp creation energy.
Creating a force because the BB appears to be accelerating isn't a good reason.
If acceleration exists (have my doubt due to local and grand distance difference acceleration) then a better solution is our universe is being pulled apart faster as just 1 universe.

Dark flow is a smack in the face to dark energy but not to us being 1 universe and the pull of the next universe is dark flow.
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No real proof that the BB is the universe. Could be just an event in the universe of quantum fluctuation and just an energy balance products of fluctuation builds all that E and M.
Yes, we can imagine a lot of things including other universes. But the BBT does address all that is associated with the "observable universe". Where it comes short doesn't necessarily require other universes. Only philosophy, religion and metaphysics or pseudoscience can go beyond that which can be observed even in principle, but that is subject to change, of course.

We could be that wrong about the reality of forever, just looking at the wrong stuff (bb) and making assumptions about it. JMO
What other stuff (evidentiary) is there? Ideas and imaginations are important to offer alternative directions but it's nice when that next step isn't onto thin air and off a cliff. :)

My guess dark energy probably doesn't exist or is just temp creation energy.
That isn't a bad guess since acceleration would be likely if, somehow, its field strength were constant while the net gravitational field becomes weaker with expansion. Acceleration is the logical result, if so.
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Yes, we can imagine a lot of things including other universes. But the BBT does address all that is associated with the "observable universe". Where it comes short doesn't necessarily require other universes. Only philosophy, religion and metaphysics or pseudoscience can go beyond that which can be observed even in principle, but that is subject to change, of course.

What other stuff (evidentiary) is there? Ideas and imaginations are important to offer alternative directions but it's nice when that next step isn't onto thin air and off a cliff. :)

That isn't a bad guess since acceleration would be likely if, somehow, its field strength were constant while the net gravitational field becomes weaker with expansion. Acceleration is the logical result, if so.

As a fluctuation universe we can make plausible reasons for creation of everything, even the big bang.
The other stuff IMO is fluctuation, everything else either is cause or effect of it and rules dictated by the nature of fluctuation.
Matter mostly made of nothing and orbits of quanta probably telling us so is fluctuation.
The energy for a big bang from nothing is difficult to imagine, and the mechanics of a big bang itself another difficult problem.
Both are pretty easy problems in a quantum fluctuation universe creating particles until an energy balance is reached, then no more permanent particles.
Pretty easy to imagine Void space with potential energy as a start point for infinite fluctuation.
Cannibal semi universes and at some point to much E in any given region is a big bang.

I totally agree that expansion is just an illusion of perspective.
Dark energy is needed to explain acceleration so that's how we got it.
Dark energies need for new energy creation i think dooms the idea of it existing.
Wouldn't it be more interesting if we are accelerating but not from a mystery force but simply from external gravity sources?
The reason expansion look so odd around our universe is that those gravity sources aren't in a neat tidy pattern outside our BB universe.
Dark flow patterns around our universe pointing to them.
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Nov 20, 2019
Dark matter would not just be visible, but, by its same properties assumptions, would be untouchable, unable to be kept into any solid or e-m recipient
So, how is it planned to handle it if deiscovered?
Feb 14, 2020
DM is being held in nature everywhere so it does not need handling, What needs handling, if required, for harnessing, understanding and managing on very small scales like our planet is matter-energy!

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