There is no dark matter at all<br /><br />Galaxies<br /><br />Galaksit rotating like wheel , in other words farthest stars go around the centre of galaxy almost quickly as stars of the galaxy centre. Current physics does not understand, how so said. Force of gravity works, but in any case it is already had time to take according to to its theories, so said. dark substance , whereby this in question power is also. In galaxies namely is not enough bulk, which should galaxies of wheel. Ten times more bulk inside the galaxy , as nowadays is observed, would be enough to keep also farthest stars of galaxy on their orbits in noticeable speed, if force of gravity so even exists.<br /><br />My thought does not need dark ingredients to explain, why galaxies are observed rotate like wheel. Stars of all galaxies push and so forth from the galaxies' centres in accelerating at speed expanding with the same three-dimensionally in the accelerating at speed. It is absorbing, that from common red move of light are in the noticeable accelerating expanding, which is for the time being interpreted space to be accelerating expanding.<br /><br />Stars themselves open as the energy wave, by which they push each others and so forth from one another in the same proportion as expand, and in the galaxies' centres are colossal three-dimensionally expansive energycentrums/ black aperatures , from which the opening energia-aalloi has atom personality. All energy of the visible macrocosm rubs against to the coming energy waves about 11 year between, and sometimes well against energy compaction which is in the coming energy waves hits the galaxy to the centre and clean from the big area new three-dimensionally expansive atoms to their presumably towards black aperature, which after to the cleaned area outside, outwards in the work base wave be expand atoms come push each others towards produce cleaned areas forward to be going during the business , whereby there forms new energycentrums, which to inside pr