Definition of Universe requires clarification, to enable discussion

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Jan 2, 2024
I am loath to shorten o/u (perhaps, except for this) because it 'forever' ties the two essential words together. I suppose I have to draw the line at substituting "Cloud Cuckoo Land" for Universe.
Maybe it is appropriate (CCL)
Anyway, I think attempts to define things artificially limit the concept which is of course the objective. Maybe I can illustrate this
In defining the 'Observable Universe' we forget that any OU is user-specific. The OB of you is different to that of someone nearby and very different perhaps of an observer a few light years away. It could be argued that someone a few years away is not a current situation but that might not always be. Therefore we end up with an OB variability over time as well as space.
The definition further suffers when we realise there are an infinite number of possible OBs and by using OBs as an ultimate we extend the concept to infinity as an attempt to limit consideration/discussion. Maybe it does not work. Maybe

Do you find 'Cosmos' useful?


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Gibsense, of course you are correct in pointing out massive differences at an individual level.
It is on a 'general' level that there must be agreement to achieve smooth running. We all (well, most) agree on what an hour is (we invented clocks most people understand) and so on. If we did not agree on times, places, nomenclature, numerics . . . . . . . . .

Slightly connected is the idea that there is an infinite number of 'real' universes allowing for every conceivable variation of everything. Why should this apply to humans and not to elephants? not bacteria? not atoms? And, of course, every electron in every galaxy? Infinite possibilities - yes. Infinite realities - no.

It is where the line is drawn between that is important to each of us.

As far as cosmos is concerned, I think it just duplicates the problems with universe.
Much of what you say is very relevant, and applicable to verbal communication in general.

(My apologies. I am sufffering from keyboard duplicating letters. I will correct these as best I can, as I go along.)

Cat :)
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