Did anyone just see the line of lights moving north? There were 80 to a hundred of them

Nov 24, 2019
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Whoa! Where did you see this?
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I live in the mid West , it is hunting season so my son was up around 4:00- 4:30 am. I think it was sunday. He came and got me out of bed to see them. He said he had been watching them for several min . They flu in perfect order until the end, then a couple were 2 at a time. Going northeast I had him go tell his hunting buddy who just pulled in. My son is 30 and spent a lot of time watching the ski in the middle of no were, and None of us have ever seen any thing like it.
Nov 29, 2019
gosh I so did! I am glad I was not the ovni one, for a moment I thought I was being blessed with a gorgeous personalised UFO parade, similar to what It could have been the Bethlehem triple conjuction but a modern literal version of follow me and See these UFOs showing off type of sci-fi movie
Nov 29, 2019
Actually... they were moving from the northeast direction towards the south... ask me for details if u want to know more
Nov 29, 2019
After some pondering... if we were seeing the same lights, It would make sense, according to my own mental calculations, that I have not checked for the purpose of saving time cause I need to make it on time for work, you have therefore seen them from New Zeland?
Nov 30, 2019
Hi guys it's just gone 7.am here in the North West UK I have just seen and counted 31.i wanted to Google it because I thought I was seeing things and came across this thread. I am glad someone else has seen it.
Nov 29, 2019
Hi guys it's just gone 7.am here in the North West UK I have just seen and counted 31.i wanted to Google it because I thought I was seeing things and came across this thread. I am glad someone else has seen it.
so what have you counted?
why have they passed just once?

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