Nov 4, 2024
I know I’m over doing it on questioning theories. Questioning the uncertain fascinates me. I have always thought that sunlight was a form of electricity.

If light was massless would it not pass through all atoms of the earth not just some of them. I like my observation of light bending in a stream of water. When light is in the liquid it bounces of the inside of the stream as if it has kinetic energy. To reflect is to impact and how could a mirror generate an electromagnetic force unless there was kinetic energy bouncing off of it.

If photons heat matter up with radiation I would assume there is particle collision causing more movement and heat. I know it says electromagnetic waves but I believe that form of heat exists I do not think an electromagnetic wave would start a fire in a dessert. Instead of electromagnetic wave I would consider it a stream of electro wave alone.

We could potentially test this theory with wires and light bulbs and a really large dark boxes that can hold a light.

In box A there should be as much light generated as possible with a set volatage

On the opposite side of the scale

In box B a dark box with the same amount of wires running through it but the light bulb wires will be closed circuit not producing light. There should be the same amount of electricity in both boxes.

With each box weighing exactly the same withough lights on then test to see if there is any difference with a strong light on

The room should be already about 90 degrees so the light does not effect the temperature of the box.

I know there is static friction that has to be accounted for so feel free to nudge the most sensitive scale you can have. One that can theoretically weigh electrons

If sunlight contained only heat and radiation you would think plants can survive with heat and radiation. How artificial lights operate the electrons are moving so fast they actually miss the turn in the wire. Escaping the wire releasing electrons in all directions. Heat generates light but heat is electron movement.

Please let me know if there is solid evidence that photons can be massless. I look at it as the same as T=0. I personally do not believe something can come from nothing. The answer is in a religious riddle. There was, there is, and there will be. It’s more of an acceptance than a theory. I argue this case because 0 does not equal 1-1. 0 is the absence of anything including theories like fluctuations. 0 is harder to believe than god for me even though I do believe in evolution the origin of matter I believe always was like an irrational number it never ends. This opens the doors to the theories of watchers and beings from other worlds having play in our evolution.
"Please let me know if there is solid evidence that photons can be massless."
There is no such evidence because a photon is only massless at rest and no photon can be at rest, since a photon is defined by a rate of change of an electric field at a location. With no rate of change, no photon.
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