This may be more for sci-fi but perhaps someone can find some light in my theory.

I was having an alcoholic beverage one night and the question crossed my mind would humankind be able to shoot down an alien craft.

That was my set goal was to theorize how to shoot down armored technology.

I started with wanting to use Pennie’s at the speed of light to blast objects away. Luckily I found out that we will theorize with old copper Pennie’s containing 95% copper.

What if you super heated the copper to a circle ball then compressed it with enough force for electrons to escape into a wire directed at the tip releasing it in a near simultaneous instant that leads to a ball of proton rich copper being propelled by theoretical bolt of electrons produced

I believe steam oscillators and even the pyramids work by generating electricity when matter has no where else to travel but electrons into a wire to relieve stress.

This is just a thought I had trying to theorize self defense. My theory is closest to teslas particle emitter. Well it had the same goal. But mine uses a bolt of lightning not light.
It’s hard to remember because I lost that notebook containing methods such as transfer of pressure to electricity. The penny shooter would have used blank bullets to explode a transfer of energy to compressed magma releasing pages through pressure port followed by any electricity generated.

The theory behind this is while initial speeds may be like bullet with enough powder. If you abstract electrons from copper does it become proton rich. Which when electricity is fired in simultaneously burst. Will it emit particles like teslas device. Just not as fast or as brilliant


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