<p><span style="font-size:13px" class="Apple-style-span"><span style="font-family:verdana;white-space

re-wrap" class="Apple-style-span">Just noticed this new article this evening:</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:13px" class="Apple-style-span"><span style="font-family:verdana;white-space

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http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/02/090213110731.htm</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:13px" class="Apple-style-span"><span style="font-family:verdana;white-space

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http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/02/090213110731.htm<span style="font-style:italic" class="Apple-style-span">"Using thermodynamic calculations and the temperature information gathered experimentally, Chevrier and Altheide created a map that shows where brine might be found above and below the surface on Mars. The map also shows whether or not the brine would be frozen or evaporating as a result of the temperatures. The map shows an area where the temperatures are such that the brine could, at times, be liquid and flowing.</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:13px" class="Apple-style-span"><span style="font-family:verdana;white-space

re-wrap" class="Apple-style-span"><span style="font-style:italic" class="Apple-style-span">They then created a map that shows all of the places on the surface of Mars where gullies have been discovered. The vast majority of the gullies lie within the zone where the brine could be liquid. “We’re calling this the episodic liquid zone,” said Altheide. “Temperature swings in this region could cause the release of liquid in the form of brine and thus explain the formation of present-day gullies.”</span></span></span></p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font size="1"><span style="font-weight:bold" class="Apple-style-span">-----------------</span></font></p><p><font size="1"><span style="font-weight:bold" class="Apple-style-span">The Meridiani Journal</span><br />a chronicle of planetary exploration<br />
web.me.com/meridianijournal</font> </p> </div>