Did this newfound particle form the universe's dark matter?

Researchers think that a newly identified subatomic particle may have formed the universe's dark matter right after the Big Bang, approximately 13.8 billion years ago.

Did this newfound particle form the universe's dark matter? : Read more

This report appears to have some experimental means of verification. "Now, in a new study, nuclear physicists have suggested that dark matter could be made from a newly identified particle: the d-star hexaquark....This early work hasn't solved the dark matter question for good. But Watts and Bashkanov plan to continue studying hexaquarks to better understand the strange particles and further explore whether they really could be good candidates for dark matter. As Bashkanov explained, the researchers going forward will perform experiments to study the properties of hexaquarks, like their size and how they interact with both other hexaquarks and normal, or nuclear matter (protons and neutrons inside a nucleus). While the researchers said (as they explored in this paper) that hexaquarks could condense into a BEC, they hope to show that this is true through further study and experimentation."

Recently axions were proposed as a dark matter solution too, https://www.livescience.com/axion-found-in-weyl-semimetal.html

The search continues now with the d-star hexaquark, "Despite many decades of study the physical origin of "dark matter" in the Universe remains elusive. In this letter we calculate the properties of a completely new dark matter candidate - Bose-Einstein condensates formed from a recently discovered bosonic particle in the light-quark sector, the d∗(2380) hexaquark. In this first study, we show stable d∗(2380) Bose-Einstein condensates could form in the primordial early universe, with a production rate sufficiently large that they are a plausible new candidate for dark matter. Some possible astronomical signatures of such dark matter are also presented. ", ref https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.08654

WIMPS are proposed too, https://phys.org/news/2013-02-scientists-breakthroughs-dark-matter-mystery.html There are some important observations supporting dark matter in astronomy, this report said "The dark matter theory was born 80 years ago when Swiss astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky discovered that there was not enough mass in observable stars or galaxies to allow the force of gravity to hold them together."

Holding spiral galaxies together is critical for the long time scales used in the Big Bang model of origins.
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