Distant 'Requiem' supernova will be visible again in 2037, astronomers predict

The space.com report says, "The prediction that the supernova will be visible again (although not to a naked eye) is based on computer modelling of the distribution of matter inside the cluster, which lies some 4 billion light-years away from Earth."

Here are some other reports out on this too. https://phys.org/news/2021-09-astronomers-supernova-timesand-fourth-sighting.html

For more detail see the NASA ADS Abstract and arXiv paper, A Gravitationally Lensed Supernova with an Observable Two-Decade Time Delay, https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2021arXiv210608935R/abstract and arxiv, https://arxiv.org/pdf/2106.08935.pdf

Apparently the SN is in a galaxy with z = 1.95 and the lensing foreground galaxies (cluster), z=0.338. The explanation and interpretation using Einstein GR looks good. The cosmology calculators open up more here.

Cosmology Calculators (caltech.edu)
Cosmology calculator | kempner.net

Objects with z=0.338 are about 3.8 billion light years distance or look back time. The SN with z=1.95 is about 10.3 billion light years look back distance. However, the comoving radial distance is more than 16 billion light years distance for the present time. That means the SN is expanding in 3D space faster than c velocity now (present day rate of expansion for the SN) 😊 It will be interesting to see if the prediction for 2037 comes true. It would be even more interesting to see how the SN moving away in 3D space faster than c velocity can be directly confirmed and using independent methods :) If the foreground galaxy cluster with z=0.338 is closer to earth then the 4 or 3.8 billion light years used, the mass estimate for the cluster is reduced and if the SN z=1.95 is closer to earth then the 10.3 billion light years or so, there would be problems with the cosmological interpretation of the redshifts reported. Shadows of Halton Arp appear :)
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