stevehw33 - Thank you.<br /><br />Of course, had I received formal training after graduating high school (class of '64) - much of what I learned would be out of date anyway. <br /><br />In progressive scientific fields, like astronomy, physics, genetics, medicine, etc., one must keep up with new data and tenable hypotheses in harmony with said data.<br /><br />Formal training is good, of course. But each person must decide what their primary field will be - since time is limited.<br /><br />My primary field is learning and living Bible standards - and Romans 1:20 encourages scientific research to learn about God's qualities and this, plus my natural scientific curiousity, has motivated me to learn here.<br /><br />And I have learned much - but with learning in any field questions also arise, which is why this is my favorite section of SDC.<br /><br />I might add that your posts have also improved lately, and you deserve commendation.