Question How does Earth have a magnetic field when it doesn't meet the electromagnetic requirements (an iron core is insufficient)?

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Ah science and the application of the physics, in it, can be both fun and instructive. Not to mention scarry for those that did not get to observe the events leading to the results of its application.
Looking down on Earth, the Earth rotates CCW. The polarity of the M field starring you in the face depends on the polarity of the net charge. It could be north or south.

It happens to be south. That means net negative charge. IS powering the M field....or net measuring part of it.This can easily be verified with a few current loops and a compass.

The field we measure and call Earth's M field might not be a singular field, but might be the result of counter induction.

Like transformer action. The little we measure might be just the little left over that does not get cancelled.

That would be pretty wild. And if it is a balance of counter poles could be an easy dynamic to switch poles. Because both poles are always there.

Nyuk nyuk.
Hey funny you mention light (visible) being more than what we see and or think it is. I wrote (Sci-Fi book) in which I use refracted light as a means for other than illumination.
May 10, 2024
Thank you, everyone, for your thought-provoking responses. The crux of the problem seems to be the source of the initial magnetic field which kicks the dynamo process off. As near as I can tell, there is no consensus on where this comes from, although there are many theories. Some or all of them could be partially correct, or they could all be incorrect as there is lots we still don't know. Nevertheless, we must assume that such a seed magnetic field exists, regardless of its source. Also, from the discussion, it seems that the initial magnetic field would not need to be particularly strong, to get things going.

I would also like to thank chatGPT 4.0 for its thoughtful response on this subject. Up until now, it has largely responded to my questions with nonsense. The latest iteration seems quite impressive. Perhaps others have even better insights, but here is a summary of its "thoughts" on the source of the initial magnetic field needed to kick things off:

The exact origin of the initial (seed) magnetic field that kick-started the Earth's geodynamo is not known with certainty. Several hypotheses exist, but none have been definitively proven. Here are some leading theories:

Primordial Magnetic Field:
This hypothesis suggests that the initial magnetic field could have been inherited from the magnetic field of the solar nebula, the cloud of gas and dust from which the solar system formed. As the Earth formed, it might have retained a small portion of this primordial magnetic field.

Early Dynamo Processes:
In the early history of the Earth, before the core fully differentiated, there could have been early dynamo action in the partially molten planet or proto-core. These processes might have generated a weak initial magnetic field.

Thermochemical Processes:
Chemical reactions during the differentiation of the Earth, as the core separated from the mantle, could have produced electrical currents that generated a magnetic field. These processes might have included the crystallization of certain minerals or the movement of fluids within the young Earth's interior.

Impact Events:
Large impacts during the Earth's formation could have temporarily generated magnetic fields through shock-induced currents. These impacts might have left behind a residual magnetic field that could act as a seed for the geodynamo.
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AVG, light is not more than light, light is less than light. The propagated wavelength of light is only 1/2 wavelength. And it does not alternate, it blinks. It's on for 1/2 wavelength and off for 1/2 wavelength.That's why light is only half of what you believe it to be.

Light is not an alternating wave, it's a duty cycle wave. And when it shifts, only the off time shifts length(duration) changes, the on time remains constant. The emitter motion can only change the off time between on times. So one half shifts, the other half does not shift.

The shift is asymmetrical and much different than Doppler shift. Doppler is symmetrical.

There is another shift of light and that is detector shift. This comes from the motion of the detector. This shift is symmetrical and shifts the on time and the off time in equal proportions. Allowing the emitter shift to remain.

Light is only half the length and half the time you give it credit for.

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