<font color="yellow">marcel_leonard - ..In 2002 I like many others wondered if time actually exists, or is simply just an illusion created by our need to compensate for our relatively short life spans? </font><br /><br />I think, what you are asking is "Is the concept of time a human construction?"<br /><br />Well, the measurements we place upon time may be human-constructed. Also, for quantum objects, time may have a very different meaning. However, in the macro world in which we live, time is very real. The simplest example would be "entropy." Where a state of change takes place over time in which there is an increase in the amount of energy, over time, that is not available to do "work." Most commonly, this is used to refer to ordered and disordered states. We can not reverse entropy without adding energy to the system, changing the process.<br /><br />Thermal equilibrium would be another example that is demonstrated over time by using a simple glass of water and ice. As heat energy is transferred over time to the glass and water/ice mixture, the ice melts. Depending on outside conditions, over time, the water in the glass will eventually reach a thermal equilibrium with the outside temperature. This is irreversible. We can not "add cold" to the water. We can only retrieve it and remove heat, thus influencing the process by adding energy.<br /><br />Neither of these examples are dependent upon human interaction in order to proceed through their natural, time-dependent (in the examples) respective processes. Both will occur with or without our observation. Of course, we won't know about that unless we observe the results. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /><br /><br />Time is real. However, depending on what we are looking at, we may see things that behave differently in regards to the linear "time" we experience in the macro-world.<br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>