time is like measurement for me. you measure yesterday today and tomorrow. every time is now. :shock:
MeteorWayne":31kw5isy said:I alsways liked the concept of time displayed in Billy Pilgrim's life. Not that I'd want to live it![]()
Solifugae":33wxouri said:Time is just relative motion. All clocks use some kind of motion to measure time. When time becomes vastly different relative to an observer, it can be summed up as the motion of all the particles traveling at that group velocity having slowed down, relatively speaking. Because every single process may be slower, relative to the exterior, the measurement of time will be relatively slower too.
An Extremely Breif History of Time:
In 1687 Sir Issac Newton claimed that the universe has one absolute clock.
In 1905 Albert Einsten claimed that every observer has his/her own [accurate] clock.
In 2002 I like many others wondered if time actually exists, or is simply just an illusion created by our need to compensate for our relatively short life spans?
dryson":2w2gbgwr said:Does time exist yes. In the real world of science time is the measureable distance between two or more atoms
Newton was correct that the Universe has one absolute clock.
Einstein is wrong that each person has his or her own clock. Einsteins clock tends to deal more with perception without and end effect basically aging.
What Einstein was meaning about people perceing time differently and time seeming to either speed up or slow down is due to focusing.
Everyone knows that humanity has been programmed to think a certain way especially about life and death which reverts back to time or the length between two opposing factors the beginning and the end of a life cycle. During early childhood there is not really much sense to time as we are free to do as we chose because of laws emplaced to protect us from the system that would most assurdedly put us to work by the age of seven if they could. So when we are young we are more apt to want to learn to discover because we have not yet learnt of the term death and what it means. As we get older the system that has grown bitter because of it's coming to and imparts it's own personality of death on us that then makes us question time. We are then programmed to do certain tasks within a certain amount of time and depending upon how we complete that task in the alloted time will determine how a persons mood is. Usually people grow acustomed to being talked to nicely by friends and family and other associates. When these people begin to die these feelings of security and closeness begin to fade thus causing the person's mood to change or Einstein's internal clock. This causes a persons thoughts about time to vary depending on when a relative may have died or an important date comes and passes. Another aspect of internal time is called dwelling. When you dwell on something outside of the task at hand like something that you would be rather doing than what you doing at work causes a shift in the chemical processes of the brain that then causes a person to constantly look at the clock to see ho much time they have left before they get to go home and do what they would rather be doing instead of working. Or when you are work and are totally concentrating on the task at hand and kept busy so not to think about time the day seems to go by very fast. This is because your mind is not occupied with thoughts of other issues that make you a clock watcher. But regardless of either fast or slow time the twelve hour shift still remains a twelve hour shift. To make time go by faster at work try doing different things that do not establish a pattern as when you establish a pattern you fall into same old pattern day after after which brings about monotany which then causes the day to seem to go by very slow. Try looking for ways to improve the area around your work place or ideas that might make the company you work for more money or if your job has downtime involved during the shift that is associated with production get your extra jobs like taking out the trash or filling the mixer full and then take a break and read a magazine article anything that keeps your mind from wandering into the realm of dwelling on how much time you have left will keep you going. No one has a start date and end date to their lives as the determining factor that creates life and ends life are gravity and uv rays both of which created life on this planet and over time as these same forces exert their life giving power they also cause the body to become stressed and eventually wears out and dies. Just like the engine in a truck or car will run until the internal components have been worn due to exertion so to does the body.
And what did he mean when he used the words "frames of reference" when describing time phenomena?What Einstein was meaning about people perceing time differently and time seeming to either speed up or slow down is due to focusing.