Read to them. Anything.
When they're older, teach young them to read and enjoy reading.
When they get to school age, send them to a good (likely private) school. Stay involved in their education and see where their natural instincts take them. Make sure they are math and science literate, regardless of where their interests go (arts, athletics, humanities, or yes, STEM). Slowly introduce them to Science Fiction--preferably 20th century adventure fiction as opposed to recent adult fiction. That is, stuff like the Heinlein Juveniles to start with. Also Verne, Wells, Doc Smith, Edmond Hamilton, etc. Make sure *you* are acquainted with the material and it is age appropriate. As they hit their tweens, introduce them to fantasy through works like Harry Potter, Earthsea, Oz, Riddlemaster of Hed, etc. By their teens they'll be ready for the more philosophical works like THE MOON IS A HARSH MISTRESS, STARSHIP TROOPERS, BEYOND THIS HORIZON, FOUNDATION, THE GODS THEMSELVES, and be armored against the newer strains of political fiction. Or ready for other adult genres like romcoms or mysteries. If you're lucky to raise a reader they'll be ready for the 21st century.
Essentially, you want them to retain the inquisitiveness and sense of wonder all loved children are born with as they grow up and not let schools, peer pressure, and the wider world beat it out of them. It will. Kids are born scientists and explorers and the outside world is not kind to them. Conformity is valued over all.
If you succeed, they will learn what it means to grow up and live in a technological society. And in such a society, circa 2030-2050, space will be an integral part of normal life. They might wish to help build the future or merely live with space in the background, but it will be by choice. Just make sure it is an informed choice.
Just be involved, love them and protect them.
Do not use tech as a baby sitter or expect others to raise them for you.
Regardless, you will be part of a very small minority.