Enterprise - Star Trek - Canceled Series?!?

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I guess people just want to watch garbage like people eating animal guts, jumping off buildings, and trailer trash being themselves on national T.V.?!?<br /><br />It is sad that the T.V. Executives canceled Enterprise for this garbage.<br /><br />At least Enterprise and Star Trek has some educational value, in the sciences and technology areas, or at least inspiring young people to go into these fields!<br /><br />What does all this other garbage have to offer, other than making people dumber than they all ready are, or as a social experiment on National T.V. of the dangers of interbreeding family members!? :-(<br /><br />Even the SciFi channel has been in the last few years going off the deep end!? :-(<br /><br />Give Me Trek! Or Give Me Death! :)<br /><br /><br />


there are many fanfilms available. if you don`t mind cheap sets, check out "hidden frontier". <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Sign of the times i guess. The problem was the crappy UPN network that it was shown on. Season 4 really got good as well, with the connections to the original series.<br /><br />Season 5 would have covered the construction of the first star base and other interesting things.<br /><br />Oh well.<br /><br />I'm tempted to buy the DVD collections but with HD-DVD/ Blu Ray coming out later this year i expect new box sets, possibly reducing the number of DVD discs in a series from 49 to 7. <br /><br />


quasar2, WOW!, Thank You for this great reference!<br />This is a FANTASTIC peice of work!<br /><br />I LOVE the depth, reality, and diverse action!<br /><br />WOW! This could really be a good T.V. Series!<br /><br />I suggest everyone check this peice of work out, which quasar2 has brought to our attention!<br /><br />It is REALLY worth checking out! WOW! :)<br /><br />http://www.hiddenfrontier.org


Seeing the Space Station construction scenes would have been nice.


I believe that the final episode of "Enterprise" is on tonight. Two hours, don't miss it. <I'll have to tape it I think.><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>


"Enterprise" was a good choice of mileu for the franchise. imo It's a shame that it didn't get the recognition it deserved. I actually liked that series more than DS-9 and TNG. Of course, I'm also a fan of "Voyager" so go figure...<br /><br />They will probably not have another Star Trek live action show for a number of years. They're trying to avoid "tired audience syndrome." Face it, Star Trek is one of the longest running television franchises. I think they look at "Enterprise" as being released into a tired-audience market which accounts for it's lack of performance. I think there are more factors concerned, but them's the breaks.<br /><br /><u>What I think they might do:</u> - Project the next show into the future about 100 years. <br /><br />A sort of "TNGxTNG." They might try to capitalize on the effect TNG had when it first appeared. Pluse, some of the TNG actors will still be around to make the occasional "flashback/trapped-in-time/older-than-dirt" appearance. I hope they never do a "go back in time" episode.. ever.<br /><br /><u>What they should do:</u> Combine Voyager and DS-9 with a taste of Enterprise and the storyline of Babylon 5. <br /><br /> A new sector of space that the Federation is moving into with a Sector Chief who makes cameos from time to time to tell everyone how bad they're screwing up. A new station being built and supplied overseen by a "by the book" female who slowly manages to loosen up over the first season. A self-managed colony on the planet below with it's own stodgy governor and fraught with strange flora/fauna and the possibility of a native intelligence. Make sure the governor calls at least every other episode to complain to the station commander about something stupid and threaten her authority. A survey ship assigned to the station that has it's own crew (seperate from the station's) which goes on episodic missions from time to time. Make the captain a "young buck" at odds with the "establishment" and who is in love wi <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>


I'd like to see a star trek chronicles series, which can visit anyplace, anytime in the star trek universe.<br /><br />They'd not be limited to any crew, ship, place. You could have an episode set in the delta quadrant with some guy trying to escape the borg, stuff like that.<br /><br />And the next week it could be set at starfleet acadamy with picard teaching or something.<br /><br />So it'd always be fresh and the creativity could really shine. <br /><br />North star rising asked what i'd like to see, personally i don't know if i could stand another long term show, i have some kind of viewers fatigue, the variety of a chronicles series would be great though.


Funny, I tuned into the UPN channel here in Dallas tonight (21) expecting to see the end of Star Trek. The satellite IRD title said "Star Trek Enterprise". Instead, on the screen was a stupid basketball game of some kind. That pretty much sums it up. Whatever happens to the Trek series after Enterprise - I hope it happens somewhere else. UPN is far too trashy a network to have anything of any intellectual content on its programming.


I saw the season finale tonight. Not too happy with the ending. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


I have been a life long Star Trek fan. That series meant a lot to me. I consider myself one of the biggest Star Trek fans there is ...philosophically speaking. I might not have gone to the most conventions or own the most ST stuff but i know my Trek in a very personal and unique way.<br /><br /> Im going to tell you all why the latest Star Trek series didnt do well. THEY WENT BACK IN TIME AND STAYED THERE ! Star Trek was about going forward in time....oh sure they might have had an episode or two where they went back in time BUT THEY DIDNT STAY THERE ! What were the makers of the series thinking ! They killed the show. The fans that wanted them to go back in time and make the founding of the Federation a series helped kill it. They should have kept going forward in time ...always forward. That is ST ...That is what the whole premise is about in my opinion. <br /><br />IF they ever bring it back they had better go forward in time from where Voyager and The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine left off. All of those series were good quality work. I lost heart in this latest series the very moment i found out they were going to do the whole beginning of the Federation thing...what a big mistake ...I think i caught one episode and was not impressed. Been there done that with the founding of the Federation. Any real Trek fan knows how the Federation was founded...What the REAL Trek fan wants is TO BOLDLY GO WHERE NO ONE HAS GONE BEFORE. But obviously they couldnt do that with going backwards. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING !!@ And what is even more amazing is i have seen soooo few people on any site including this one even pick up on that fact. Is was so simple and clear to see. <br /><br />I am so angry at all this mess ...They helped kill one of the greatest if not thee greatest show that EVER came off of tv. Think about it ...What show ever from tv dealt with issues like Star Trek in a future predicting way (with scary accuracy) ...it showed what we were capable of when we were abl


But,<br /><br />Wasn't it GREAT to the Enterprise D or is it E Again..<br /><br />I still Miss STTNG..... <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="4">Dave..</font> </div>


worst ep ever. Why pay writers if they dont write the damn founding speech?


probably time constraints....there's only so much you can squeeze into an episode and they ran out of episodes...<br />I think the series still had alot of potential inspite of what others are saying. it just needed to break out of the multi-episodes stories. it became like following an afternoon soap opera. <br />instead, they could have focussed on individual events drawn around some issue of interest (as is the case with TOS and STTNG). then meld the improvements (like phasors, shields, photo torpedoes, warp 6) slowly into the show as it progresses...<br />the series stopped simplydeveloping and we lost alot of the good scripts we have come to expect from ST.<br /><br />what killed ST? trying to make it a cross between star wars, buffy the vampire slayer and dallas...<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><strong>To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before...</strong></p><p><strong>Live Long and Prosper</strong></p> </div>


One thing I really liked was the "Carl Sagan Memorial Station". It flashed by so fast that I went back to it afterward with my DVR and freeze-framed it to read the plaque:<br /><br />MARS PRESERVATION SOCIETY<br /><br />Carl Sagan Memorial Station<br /><br />First Rover on Mars<br />July 4, 1997<br /><br />Followed by printing that was too small to be seen by me, but it appeared to be a quote by Carl Sagan. If anyone knows what this quote is (perhaps someone with HDTV or connected with the show) please let us know what it said. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


I don't know what the quote was, but Pathfinder's lander has been officially named Carl Sagan Memorial Station by NASA as a tribute to Dr Sagan.


that monument was really cool. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#0000ff"><em>"SCE to AUX" - John Aaron, curiosity pays off</em></font></p> </div>


Right. It was a great franchise. Now what? <br /><br />I guess its best we implement in the real world what we take from Star Trek. The best of the best. Now our space agencies are in a new frontier of their own. To Mars, "where no man has gone before". I guess we could one day really put that stone memorial with the rover for Carl Sagan on Mars.<br /><br />Farewell Gene and Carl, you have truly taken us where no man has gone before.<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#0000ff"><em>"SCE to AUX" - John Aaron, curiosity pays off</em></font></p> </div>


holmec: "Right. It was a great franchise. Now what? I guess its best we implement in the real world what we take from Star Trek. The best of the best. Now our space agencies are in a new frontier of their own. To Mars, "where no man has gone before". I guess we could one day really put that stone memorial with the rover for Carl Sagan on Mars. Farewell Gene and Carl, you have truly taken us where no man has gone before."<br /><br />holmec, I could not agree more! ;-)<br />International Space Agency (ISA)<br />http://www.international-space-agency.org<br />International Space Plane (ISP) Program<br />http://www.international-spaceplane-program.org<br />


But answer me this ...why did they go backwards instead of forwards? The world just doesnt seem the same anymore with no ST on television....Nothing they ever put on tv will be like ST ...ever. A piece of the world has died.


I enjoyed the final episodes, for the most part. I could have done without Frakes and Sirtis, however. They are both fine actors, but this time really belonged to the cast of "ST: Enterprise", in my opinion.<br /><br />I was so pleased to see Mars finally be a real part of the action in the "Star Trek" franchise, albeit near the end of the road.<br /><br />I'm no Trekkie by any stretch of the imagination, but I've enjoyed "ST: Enterprise" more than any other "Star Trek" series, possibly with the exception of "ST: Deep Space 9".<br /><br />Oddly enough, I was somewhat sympathetic to Terra Prime at the beginning of the episode. However, seeing the true costs of Terran isolation from the larger galaxy in the 'Trek' universe changed my mind. It's better to attempt forging alliances with these aliens, and risk cultural and genetic 'contamination', than to remain 'pure' and remain dangerously uncompetitive in a hostile universe.<br /><br />Imperialism and isolationism, two extreme expressions of cultural chauvinism, were fine topics for "ST: Enterprise" to address in its final episodes.<br /><br />Critics be damned, I liked them.
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