Equations Of General Relativity Theory By Einstein

Oct 25, 2020
Hi Friends,
what is the intuitive understanding of Einstein's Field Equations.
One of them is below

from wikipedia, I have read what those symbols mean. but I lack intuitive understanding. can you please help me in this regards

I will be thankful to you
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If you understand the terms than you likely understand it better than most, and certainly me.

The jest that I have of it is that Einstein, after years of effort, was able to integrate gravity into his understanding of relativity. The result is that space and time are woven together so that gravity not only bends space -- this guides where masses go -- but also bends time. Thus, time moves relatively slower where mass is greatest. The math requires the use of tensors to map it accurately, and this required Einstein to seek help from folks like Minkowski. Some of those terms, no doubt, are abbreviations for this complex math.
Oct 25, 2020
If you understand the terms than you likely understand it better than most, and certainly me.

The jest that I have of it is that Einstein, after years of effort, was able to integrate gravity into his understanding of relativity. The result is that space and time are woven together so that gravity not only bends space -- this guides where masses go -- but also bends time. Thus, time moves relatively slower where mass is greatest. The math requires the use of tensors to map it accurately, and this required Einstein to seek help from folks like Minkowski. Some of those terms, no doubt, are abbreviations for this complex math.
As you said, Gravity bends time and it passes slower in heavy mass. So Time flies differently at different planets and stars in the universe. So from Universe perspective, there is no past or future. only present exists for the universe that means there is no time for the universe. So the time that we are experiencing now on planet Earth was started billions of years by the universe and we are experiencing it photon by photon in a delayed manner. Am I correct? Please shed some light on it.
Thank you so much for the answer
As you said, Gravity bends time and it passes slower in heavy mass. So Time flies differently at different planets and stars in the universe.
Yes, time does vary wherever there is mass. But where it varies significantly is wherever you have significant density of mass. Neutron stars, for instance, have incredible strong surface gravity, so at their surface, time is noticeably different. Earth's gravitational field isn't significant, though GPS systems must include GR (Gen. Relativity) when calculating distances of, say, 1 cm. They also have to include SR (Special Relativity) as well since the satellites are moving rapidly in space. The two results work against one another, interestingly.

So from Universe perspective, there is no past or future. only present exists for the universe that means there is no time for the universe.
There is always a future so there must always be a past, at least until there was a beginning. This constant increase in time everywhere is known at the Arrow of Time, and it's a bit of a mystery on a purely physic's level.

It may help to think that if you had a trillion clocks -- estimates now suggest there are 2 trillion galaxies out there -- all beginning with the same time and had placed them evenly around the universe that they would all read about the same time, though variations in their local grav. field would alter them somewhat.

So the time that we are experiencing now on planet Earth was started billions of years by the universe and we are experiencing it photon by photon in a delayed manner. Am I correct?
The observable universe, when we reverse time (with our imaginations and equations), take us back very close to t=0. But the wheels fly off the equation wagons when we get closer. It is very easy to infer a t=0 instant and beginning but we aren't able to get science involved since we usually do poorly with infinity results that shouldn't be there.

The fact that we can tweak this time frame to 13.8 Gyrs ago is astonishing given our humble existence in the universe, IMO.

Since light has a fixed speed, then the light we are seeing from all sources including your mirror, represents what happened in the past. Sunlight is about 8 minutes old. The oldest observable light (microwaves) comes from an incredible event known as the CMBR (Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation). This took place the instance the universe cooled to about 3000K due to its progressive expansion. At that temperature, electrons and protons came together to form atoms (9 of 10 were hydrogen). This eliminated all the light scattering and light suddenly was turned lose to travel freely. So we are seeing light in the CMBR that has taken about 13.8 Gyrs to get here. Those photons come from closer regions have already come and gone.
Oct 25, 2020
Yes, time does vary wherever there is mass. But where it varies significantly is wherever you have significant density of mass. Neutron stars, for instance, have incredible strong surface gravity, so at their surface, time is noticeably different. Earth's gravitational field isn't significant, though GPS systems must include GR (Gen. Relativity) when calculating distances of, say, 1 cm. They also have to include SR (Special Relativity) as well since the satellites are moving rapidly in space. The two results work against one another, interestingly.

There is always a future so there must always be a past, at least until there was a beginning. This constant increase in time everywhere is known at the Arrow of Time, and it's a bit of a mystery on a purely physic's level.

It may help to think that if you had a trillion clocks -- estimates now suggest there are 2 trillion galaxies out there -- all beginning with the same time and had placed them evenly around the universe that they would all read about the same time, though variations in their local grav. field would alter them somewhat.

The observable universe, when we reverse time (with our imaginations and equations), take us back very close to t=0. But the wheels fly off the equation wagons when we get closer. It is very easy to infer a t=0 instant and beginning but we aren't able to get science involved since we usually do poorly with infinity results that shouldn't be there.

The fact that we can tweak this time frame to 13.8 Gyrs ago is astonishing given our humble existence in the universe, IMO.

Since light has a fixed speed, then the light we are seeing from all sources including your mirror, represents what happened in the past. Sunlight is about 8 minutes old. The oldest observable light (microwaves) comes from an incredible event known as the CMBR (Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation). This took place the instance the universe cooled to about 3000K due to its progressive expansion. At that temperature, electrons and protons came together to form atoms (9 of 10 were hydrogen). This eliminated all the light scattering and light suddenly was turned lose to travel freely. So we are seeing light in the CMBR that has taken about 13.8 Gyrs to get here. Those photons come from closer regions have already come and gone.
Thank you so much Helio.
Mar 5, 2020
There are no computer programs that can calculate with the Einstein Field Equations.

There is no list of variables required for the equations.

There is no order for performing the various calculations.

There is no step by step process for joining the different sections to get a result.

There isn’t any way to interpret the result so that it actually means something.

The EFE is a scientific fraud. A doppelganger for real space-time physics which is only now becoming public after 50 years.

Newton and Kepler run just fine on computers.

The Physics Orthodoxy (Empire) admits that the Field Equations have rarely ever been solved. At the same time the Empire says it is more accurate than Newton or Kepler about describing space-time. How did they come to this conclusion?

The precession of Mercury and the Earth’s moon are better described as perturbations caused by the Sun’s and Earth Inertial Fields. Physics which does not exist within the EFE equations.

The EFE equations are perfect because they don’t work.
Mar 5, 2020
Why did the Galileo satellite system take a week to reboot last year?
Just because someone says that they use GR to correct the GPS doesn't mean anything. Will they give you access to the raw un-averaged information?
The temporal fields around the Earth swamp the relativistic effects.
The GPS system use empirical models to avoid modeling the real (and secret) effects of spacetime. Those empirical models contain more terms than can be generated by a GR solution if that is all they were actually dealing with.

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