Why not both? Even the most serious scientists need a break from time to time.
Dont get me wrong. Having a FANTASY game. To stimulate innovation isnt a bad idea.
But lets keep the FANTASY games separate from the FACTUAL REALITY of Space Development.
I use Space.com as an OS-Int resource for all things Space.
However, content such as Video Games, should have a separate website/forums.
Away from this platform. For gaming.
I do concur, that even the most serious Development Group Personnel.
Need a break, or even inspiration from time to time.
That can come from all kinds of media, including Video Games / Simulators.
However, it should be separate from the actual real life Space news.
Just my .02.
I can always just .xml parse Space.com and filter out all of the GAMING related content using my own custom programmed parse tool.
Thanks for the response though, COLGeek.