Exoplanet Stats

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There is a nice sudden bump due to TESS, apparently.

Current count is: 5822
No. of likely HZ exos: 163
No. of these with reasonable radius: 46
[I found a hiccup on the G-class coding so there are only 4 found of the 46, not 47 as in the prior post.]
Kepler-452 b
Kepler-22 b
HD 191939 g
tau Cet f
I accidentally stumbled on a way to get the entire list of both the confirmed exoplanets as well as the candidate list. [Then I discovered there is a very simple way to do it.]

The total number of exoplanets with candidates bumps to an additional 2,614, as of today, giving a total for both of 8,857.

So if we use strong wishful thinking and pretend these candidates all get confirmed and without data changes (for the worse), then the number of "Earthlike" exoplanets bump from 47 to 111. The number of all exoplanets in their HZ, regardless of size, bumps from 171 to 301.

[Courtesy Exoplanets.eu. The color coding is explained in an earlier post. Questions are welcomed.]

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