Two things I hate most:
One is that if you click certain links on this website and leave your cursor exactly where it is, when the new page displays, it seems like it opens with your cursor directly over one of these crappy ads, triggering it to expand. Have they set up certain links as "traps" to force a rollover?
The other thing is that in some caes I am CERTAIN you do not actually have to roll over to trigger an expansion -- you only have to get close. Yesterday the Chevy ad was being displayed between two posts, somewhere down the page, not at the top. I was trying to click the Quote button on the post directly below the ad. As soon as I would get close enough to hit the button the ad would expand to cover it. Tried several times to do it, being VERY careful not to roll over the ad, but there was no way. I eventually had to click another link to get out of the thread, then select the thread again, scroll back down to the post, and hope it did not have the crappy Chevy ad again. This time it was something else and it worked.
Crappy Chevy...