no, not really. LEO is halfway to anywhere, but GEO is 3/4. A straight up and down pop-up is a far cry from LEO. Mach 6 straight up should get you to 300 mi altitude with a stationary apogee, and should be easily possible with todays supersonic aircraft technology. This makes LEO the hard way into space.<br /><br />Sure it would be nice to have the tether go to ground, but you have all that space junk in LEO, plus atmospheric issues, and actually, stopping 300 mi short does save about 20% on the mass of your tether, because the last 300 mi is the steepest part of the gravity well. <br /><br />This means that with a tether, a suborbital pop-up gets you to GEO, and you get a free ride from there to the Lunar L1 point, at which point you could ride a shorter tether from L1 to the lunar surface.