Feedtube Rockets & Other Wacked Out Ideas

Feedtube Rockets & Other Wacked Out Ideas

Feedtube Rockets

One would have two fuel feed tubes hanging down from orbit to the payload.
The rocket would use fuel as needed to lift the payload, but not be lifting essentially any rocket fuel.

Real problems
1) Feedtubes that can withstand all that vertical fed pressure. [seqenced valves?]
2) Feedtubes that are strong enough to carry the miles of their own & the fuels's weight.
3) Some kind of geosynched orbital body to operate from

Stair Stepped Orbital Bodies

If one has a massive orbital body for a slow & low orbit it wouldn't need to be quite as massive if another massive orbital body obited synchronously with it, outside of it.

One could have a whole stack of them all at the same speed just with varying amounts of vector energy driving them forward in orbit their orbits.

Space Elevator Construction Logistics

More 'pragmatically' [loose use of the term] to facilitate getting a massive object in its correct orbit one will need large amounts of freefall rocket fuel.
Feedtube Rockets

If one had a stream of tubed hydrogen could one pull enough oxygen out of the low Earth atmosphere fast enough to create sufficient steady firing at least enough to lift a payload?

An oxygen filter on the surface of the payload capsule?

O2 weighs many times what H2 does.

At some altitude an O2 stream would become necessary.

Pressurized valves could work like bicycle valves, only opening when the pressure was low enough to allow more fluid in.