(For info, EarthlingX included this story in a post in his Experimental Launches thread, but seeing as this would be quite a historic event if it happens, both in terms of manned spaceflight and amateur rocketry, I thought it might be worth a thread of its own.)
Full story: http://www.universetoday.com/71845/dani ... next-week/
Maybe the Danes will be the next ones on the moon then, the way NASA is going (or isn't, at the moment) I'm not sure I'd want to be sitting on top of that big firework though ...
Danish Amateurs Hope To Launch Suborbital Rocket Next Week
It’s something like the movie “Astronaut Farmer,” but this is for real. And it’s in Danish. Copenhagen Suborbitals, headed by Kristian von Bengtson and Peter Madsen, hope to launch the world’s first amateur-built rocket for human space travel. As of this writing, the launch countdown clock on the Copenhagen Suborbitals’ website reads 7 days and 12 hours, which would put the launch on August 30 at about 1300 GMT. This upcoming flight will be an unmanned test flight, but if all goes well, Madsen hopes to be inside the single-passenger capsule named Tycho Brahe for a manned flight in the near future ...
Full story: http://www.universetoday.com/71845/dani ... next-week/
Maybe the Danes will be the next ones on the moon then, the way NASA is going (or isn't, at the moment) I'm not sure I'd want to be sitting on top of that big firework though ...