Forbidden Planet' is one of the most influential sci-fi films of all time, and it's getting a remake

That was one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever made.

I was curious about a rough release date, but couldn't find anything.

Surprisingly, I did see this....

"James Cameron was once set to direct a remake of Forbidden Planet. The project was in the works at Warner Bros in the 2010s, but never materialised. J Michael Straczynski was assigned to write a script and recently took to X/Twitter to talk about what happened.

“It’s maddening that right now, just sitting on a shelf at Warners, is a really solid screenplay for a FORBIDDEN PLANET movie, written by me, from a story by me and James Freaking Cameron. It’s production-ready, you can just drop it on the stage and shoot it,” Straczynski replied to another tweet."

seems to have prevented the production.

[From here]
Oct 22, 2019
I don't see a way to improve on near perfection. If you want to make a different SF movie based on The Tempest, sure, have at it. Reworking Forbidden Planet sounds like it's doomed to failure. I'll wait to see how it does if it ever gets to fruition, but I'm not hopeful.
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Jul 11, 2024
Personally I have always been hopeful for the J. Michael Straczynski take on Forbidden Planet.
Would have been a trilogy, with FB as the middle movie. The twist would have been Altaris Morbius was the real ID villain, and the third movie would have brought her to Earth.
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Well, I expect that the vintage "Robbie the Robot" will get an update, at least.

And there will probably be an "AI" theme to it. Perhaps the alien species died because their AI misinterpreted their priorities, over-animating their IDs darker thoughts without balancing it with the other parts of their personas. A fundamental programming error in a too-powerful tool.

But, the way Hollywood has been going recently, I think EJD1984 is likely to be correct that they will try to milk it for all (more than ?) it is worth, by making it a franchise "world", with ever-increasing numbers of releases and spin-offs, tending to degrade into the "aliens invade Earth" theme with too much "action" scenes and to little real thought provoking content.
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Aug 29, 2024
I'm going to have to see what happens to the remake before saying much about it. The Krell machine was kind of like an nth-generation internet. When the Krell machine went operational the Krell went extinct in what must have been the mother of all flame wars. All the creation by mere thought must have maxed out the available bandwidth and caused unacceptable levels of buffering and net congestion leading to the flame war.
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