Former SpaceX employees sue company, Elon Musk for retaliation, sexual harassment

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Jun 3, 2022
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if I were EM I'd sue them back for their absent sense of humour. I'm quoting John Cleese here:

Political correctness “started out as a good idea, which is, ‘Let’s not be mean to people’, and I’m in favour of that despite my age.

The main thing is to try to be kind. But that then becomes a sort of indulgence of the most oversensitive people in your culture, the people who are most easily upset … I don’t think we should organise a society around the sensibilities of the most easily upset people, because then you have a very neurotic society.

From the point of creativity, if you have to keep thinking which words you can use and which you can’t, then that will stifle creativity. The main thing is to realise that words depend on their context. Very literal-minded people think a word is a word but it isn’t.
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Jun 14, 2024
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I read the letter that underpins the lawsuit. Looks like the whole thing is BS. The letter bemoans a lack of EDI initiatives and denounces Elon's Tweets. That's it. Whistleblowers are protected from termination for reporting criminal acts or sexual harassment. But these guys are simply trashing their boss in front of the whole company. I see nothing in the letter that is protected by federal law, but I'm not an attorney. Looks like Elon is acting correctly to remove people who are attempting to force chance by denouncing the ownership. California law may have something else to say, and Elon may have to write some checks, however. If so, this could actually motivate Elon to move SpaceX headquarters to Texas, where the business climate is favorable, the employee base less progressive and juries are relatively stingy.
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Jan 21, 2020
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if I were EM I'd sue them back for their absent sense of humour. I'm quoting John Cleese here:

Political correctness “started out as a good idea, which is, ‘Let’s not be mean to people’, and I’m in favour of that despite my age.
Elon isn't a comedian. I've read his tweets. He's not funny.
At all. HE thinks he's funny. He's deluded.

Comedians should have all the latitude they need to be funny because jokes don't work if they aren't revealing a truth.

A CEO's job is not to tell jokes. Leave that to the professionals.
Musk has been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, which is on the "Autism spectrum". It is associated with degraded ability to " read the room" and communicate at an emotionally sensitive level.

So, perhaps "progressives" should cut him some slack on his communications that they consider to be "insensitive". After all, aren't "progressives" campaigning for the "disabled" to be fully accepted by society? Or, is being "rich" a disqualifier for their tolerance?
Jun 26, 2024
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Elon isn't a comedian. I've read his tweets. He's not funny.
At all. HE thinks he's funny. He's deluded.

Comedians should have all the latitude they need to be funny because jokes don't work if they aren't revealing a truth.

A CEO's job is not to tell jokes. Leave that to the professionals.
Quite the contrary, EM is funny as all hell! There's a problem with a person's cognitive function if he is unable to see the very blatant and high quality humor in EMs posts.
"If I were the president I'd put the cocaine back in Coke..."
Or how about "pronouns suck!" Rofl! 🤣
His TITS University was prolly the funniest of all time! Lol TITS! That dude is just plain funny!... 🤣
Jun 26, 2024
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I have a solution--the final solution, to the question of flirtatious harassment (erroneously referred to as "sexual harassment"): why don't we just enable the employer to include a sentence on the application which reads, "do you find offense, and will you report such offense, whereby one employee or supervising employee may flirt with another employee or supervising employee, or use sex-related metaphor in his speech, such that you will feel compelled to report the flirtatious conduct or sex-related metaphor during the course of a workday?" If the answer is "yes" to this question, the employer should legally be allowed to not consider this applicant for hire.

Taking this approach would make flirtatious harassment a thing of the past.
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