Four new US spaceships may start launching people into space this year

Jan 24, 2020
It's about damn time we stop giving Russians millions in order to transport our Astronauts. Thanks Obama for taking away our space industry and paying Russia millions of tax paying dollars for ISS transportation.
Jan 24, 2020
Actually, it was GW Bush who ordered the retirement of the Space Shuttle program. But no, keep being uninformed and programmed by the right.
Jan 24, 2020
Actually, it was GW Bush who ordered the retirement of the Space Shuttle program. But no, keep being uninformed and programmed by the right.
The last flight of our space shuttle program was under Obama's administration and that was in 2011 dont forget Obama cut funding to NASA that same year. But y'know, keep on projecting.
Jan 24, 2020
Respectfully, making up facts based on politics is not good commentary (like the first person who commented did). We don't have the best air force and air carriers in the world by using government built aircraft. It is our private enterprise system and competition that refined our products into excellency. This same system is about jump us into space with highly competitive private space technology companies competing to produce a better launch product. Russia is still using an over 30 year old rocket. We are about to use a rocket that can be reused several times a year and costs half as much. Over the next 20 years that will save the taxpayers literally billions of dollars. No one liked using Russia for our trips to space but the decision to get competition into this system will produce much lower prices and excellence. In twenty years everyone on the planet will be using reusable rockets and maybe even buying them from the USA. There is nothing but good coming from this decision. Throwing away 50 to 90 million dollars in technology every time we launch to space is ridiculous. Boeing and NASA will have to adopt this technology or they will be underbid and put out of the space business. This is how competition works and what continues to make this country the greatest on the planet.
Jan 24, 2020
In a way you both are right Obama cut funding but that does not mean it cut it to $0 but he did not cancel it George W. Bush initiated the Space Shuttle's cancellation back in 2004 George W Bush did that my friend.
Jan 24, 2020
This is a quote from Wikipedia:

"The Space Shuttle program was extended several times beyond its originally envisioned 15-year life span because of the delays in building the United States space station in low Earth orbit—a project which eventually evolved into the International Space Station. It was formally scheduled for mandatory retirement in 2010 in accord with the directives President George W. Bush issued on January 14, 2004 in his Vision for Space Exploration.[32] "

Again trying to add politics to this discussion is ridiculous. It was a bipartisan discussion both for those that supported the discontinuation and the ones that wanted it to continue. The shuttle cost around 450 million per launch with a SpaceX launch currently trying to get down to 35 to 45 million per launch and Boeing trying for a 90 million target. Each launch can eventually carry 6 or 7 astronauts. We currently pay about 86 million per seat to the Russians.
Jan 9, 2020
There was the small matter of the Columbia disaster. Pretty sure that wasn't Obama's fault. And of course there was NASA itself which felt the shuttle program was a white elephant. So...
Jan 25, 2020
I don't know how you can include the sub orbital tourism flights of
Virgin and Blue Origin in this. Looks like Space x is way ahead of the
rest on all fronts.
Jan 25, 2020
In a way you both are right Obama cut funding but that does not mean it cut it to $0 but he did not cancel it George W. Bush initiated the Space Shuttle's cancellation back in 2004 George W Bush did that my friend.
The space shuttle had killed about 14 people by then (2 crews - no abort capability) and cost $1.5billion/launch in 2011 dollars. It was a failure compared to conventional rockets (re-usability as designed was far more expensive than one-shot rockets and it was far more dangerous). It was already DOA. Common sense killed it. Risk adversity and pork (corruption) prevented a replacement (the never-ending Constellation> SLS project). .
Jan 24, 2020
The last flight of our space shuttle program was under Obama's administration and that was in 2011 dont forget Obama cut funding to NASA that same year. But y'know, keep on projecting.

No, it's okay -- really -- just keep backing up your argument with NO FACTS, and just use the dates you remember in your head. Meanwhile, enjoy all the data from the other commentators who have backed up my retort to your inanity.
Mar 19, 2020
Actually the cost per launch of the Shuttle was around $1 billion, which is why they shut it down. It was not due to the shuttles wearing out. The experts say that the three remaining shuttles were not even at the half-way mark for missions per unit. It is a bloody shame they shut it down without anything to go to but the Russians. I don't care if it cost $ 2 billion per launch, it was still the best and largest launch vehicle around.

Fool politicians.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Is it a coincidence that (apart from our respected Admin) we see what appears to be a political discussion conducted between 'new' participants until we have a very sensible comment from one of our regular members (for whom I have considerable respect).

Yes, I would like to see a conclusion but, being English in England I don't understand US politics and really don't see why they are in a Science area. One thing we have in common "Fool politicians"
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Mar 19, 2020
Cat, as you know, propaganda is a very powerful tool for tricking people. But it is usually the ill-informed, or just plain ignorant people who are convinced by it since its notions and commentary is commonly based on faulty ideas or out-right lies.

Look at Germany from 1933-1945. They even called all their lies propaganda. Jeez, it was so pervasive they even had a "Ministry of Propaganda" headed by Dr. Joseph Goebbels. They apparently did not have any qualms about calling it what it was.

The NSDAP used propaganda to enormous advantage to gain control over the ignorant masses.

No one needs to wonder how that worked out for them in the end......
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