You have to get to the root of the creation of the vector fields.
Once you understand than you can apply the vector fields
Once you understand than you can apply the vector fields
Lets think of it as quantum fields wrapped in nothing.You have to get to the root of the creation of the vector fields.
Once you understand than you can apply the vector fields
Infinity can be such a beast.Once again "sharpening my axe", so to speak:
Infinity is a cosmological binary base (therefore primordially basic) constant!
Infinity equals '(+/-)1', constant!
Infinity ((+/-)'1') cannot be observed, detected, or otherwise realized locally, relatively, finitely, except representatively as its 'potentials' for existence.
One major 'superposition' example: 'c' ((+/-)186,000mps ((+/-)300,000kps)), constant! (0 > 186,000mps < 0)
It's a multi-dimensional, multi-faceted, Multiverse Universe.
A few hard to explaining things older that our universe now have been detected.See beyond 14 billion light years
VPE, yet another example of 'Schrodinger's cat' ('superposition'): Nothing in the universes (u) is younger than the Universe (U) itself / Nothing in the universes (u) is older than the Universe (U) itself. It is all time and/or times / it has no time . . . it is timeless (it is all the way inside of time / it is all the way outside of time).A few hard to explaining things older that our universe now have been detected.
Got to be the pushy neighbors or an oddity of old light/red shift.
Great fun to let loose and study them and try to guess![]()
Time if it's exists is sure to be older than the start unless time is just a property of fluctuations A to B locations.VPE, yet another example of 'Schrodinger's cat' ('superposition'): Nothing in the universes (u) is younger than the Universe (U) itself / Nothing in the universes (u) is older than the Universe (U) itself. It is all time and/or times / it has no time . . . it is timeless (it is all the way inside of time / it is all the way outside of time).
Harry a closed mind is a terrible thing. Because someone or everyone says something is so doesn't make it so.Time has no start or end
Unless non fluctuation space (nothing) could be created then proof will never happen unless your willing to dive into a black holeA closed mind is a mind with limited information.
Expressing an idea without supported information, is like peeing against the wind.
What do you want to know?
Your first assertion is right on.A closed mind is a mind with limited information.
Expressing an idea without supported information, is like peeing against the wind.
What do you want to know?
Tough to say if our universe is still connected as 1 item.The look of speed toward the distant horizon I mentioned above reminds me of what I wrote about latitude and longitude. Latitudinal lines and space, with all distance away from anywhere gaining, squeezing lines and planes toward a naked singularly of line space with all distance from the equator where we stand. Longitudinal lines and time, with all distance away from anywhere gaining, narrowing lines and tics of the clock toward a polar point-singularity with all distance from the equator where we stand. It may be real relativity speaking (sic) from this the equator, but it isn't real regarding the equatorial territory at a distance where, and when, our location is the nakedly singular line space of latitude and polar point-singularity of longitude.
The point (if you'll disregard the pun) being that if astronomers and physicists interpret the squeeze of latitude (space and mass) and longitude (time and energy) as observed so distant from our place as the equator to be speeded up space and time, and thus real, it ain't (sic) necessarily so on the spot. But, again, like the tale of Schrodinger's cat, the Universe can make both facets, both dimensionalities, both interpretations, the 'dual', if not more than just 'dual', reality of what the case is by way of superposition. After all, the background non-local infinity does have its projections of physics (such as CMBR) everywhere locally. Infinity is an entity having many physical entities flowing this way from it, stemming from its background reality, as well as being a constant ('1') . . . and within that constancy, more than one horizon constant. The background of every foreground universe (u), including our own of course, is the Universe (U),
It's a 'many worlds' world; a many faceted, multi-dimensional, Multiverse Universe. The Cosmological Constant is Base2 binary base, '0' and/or '1' ('1' including ('-1')). Infinity = '1', constant!
The 2 or 3 dimensional problem could be both.An infinite Universe (U) of universes (U) already exists. So, a question arises. Is the universe as 2-dimensional as astronomers and physicists would have it in their accelerating expansion of Flatland? Or is it accelerating in its replacement of older surface or foreground universe by a rising pushy younger and more energetic universe out of the depths of a universe far more dimensional than just two dimensional? Has the redshift to do with unobserved oncoming newer younger darker depths of replacement universe rather than the distances between observed aged breadths of universe headed toward and into inevitable black holing, or has it to do with just plain stretching out 2-dimensionally flat-landed universe?
Mass and energy are equivalent. Thus the (Planck) Big Crunch (M) and (Planck) Big Bang (E) are equivalent. The Big Crunch (M) outside in (M=E/C^2) is the Big Bang (E) inside out (E=MxC^2). The Big Vacuum (C^2 (C = C . . . squaring (C^2 = E/M))). The Big Mirror of Universe (U) mirroring within to infinities of self-similar universes (u). Such infinite 'welling' (such infinities of 'welling') being the irresistible force of the immovable object of Universe (U).
I've long read and heard that a particle is a sphere of mostly empty space. Sean Carroll, so far as I've read, in his book "Something Deeply Hidden" disagrees. So do I, and not only on the microcosmic level.