Geologic Galactic Theory

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Apr 3, 2020
One paper's abstract is useable. Can it be used as a reference but not purchased.
Are you referencing the abstract or the actual paper? Seems if you are using as part of your theory, you should be referencing the actual paper. I suppose it depends on what your ultimate goal for publication is.
Sep 17, 2023
No, you can't edit the original post. Too late for that.

Just post your revision next in this thread. Members will still see it. Will also allow the history of the previous discussion to be retained.
One paper's abstract is useable as a reference. Do I need to purchase the entire paper to verify.
Sep 17, 2023
What is the catalogue name for our Milky Way Galaxy. M# or NGC#### I mean what! Best reference I have found is Sgr A* which is a point in space, at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. But it is not a Galaxy!
Jan 6, 2025
What is the catalogue name for our Milky Way Galaxy. M# or NGC#### I mean what! Best reference I have found is Sgr A* which is a point in space, at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. But it is not a Galaxy!
The Galaxy is simply referred to as "The Galaxy" or "The Milky Way", it does not have a reference in any catalogue of astronomical objects. Sgr A* is not a point in space, it is the SMBH at the heart of the galaxy - not quite the same thing.
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Sep 17, 2023
The Galaxy is simply referred to as "The Galaxy" or "The Milky Way", it does not have a reference in any catalogue of astronomical objects. Sgr A* is not a point in space, it is the SMBH at the heart of the galaxy - not quite the same thing.
The Galaxy is a SBc type, and Sgr A* is not, AgrA* is a SMBH point, having no SBc Arms and CBs. A Galactic Year is a SOL SgrA* CMB orbital period. This different than a SOL SgrA* SBc period (transiting all the SBc Arms and CB-near and CB-far alignments). The Milky Way needs a SgrA*-SBc Cataloged entry.
Sep 17, 2023
"Pattern recognition, even when not based on tangible factors, is something the human brain is suited for. That is what I see here. The periods and alignments of your model seems to be doing just that, finding a "repeating pattern" against the random backdrop of the galaxy."
This is now solved...
Sep 17, 2023
Status. My original 'Primer' based on the Arms looks tight. But the CB paths to SOL are not. Many Magnetars, Neutron Stars, and Blackholes may deflect that path out to SOL. Zeroing in on the 234ma Carnian Pluvial Episode (CPE) deflection from 243ma idealized vector, adding that other two vectors as also not tight.
Sep 17, 2023
GalacticGeologic Time Scale Driver (GGTSD) 2.4

M.O.ShaverBSEE, G.D.Spengler MSEE

Our Solar System's 220million year orbital of the Galaxy's center (SgrA*) is a Galactic Year. Our Galaxy's Central Barred Spiral classification (SBc), in entirety, passes by SOL every 418±2ma.This SBc cyclic passage is recorded in Earth's geologic stratum, synchronous to Earth's Chronostratigraphic Timescale. A 'Primer' introduces SgrA*SBc (Milky Way) Geo-Galactic Cipher of Arms and Bars; recognizable back to Odin et al 1982 Geo-Chronology.

Figure Two is introduced (to the reader) as a visual aid in which the following Primer and Cipher derivatives apply. Portrayed is Clockwise present to past, our Milky Way Galactic Center (SgrA*) with Moderate Bound Barred Spiral (SBc) vise-à-vis Solar System (SOL) orbital race of a 418±2marelative to SgrA*SBc (Milky Way) rotation cycle. Three Central Bar(CB) alignments (of million year -8C) chilling notches signify Bar alignments; while 9million (9ma) years string of 1ma sea level sinusoidal cycles [1], are Arm-Period causality(s).The Phanerozoic Eon interval is one and one half SgrA*SBc passages through SOL. This pattern persists into the “Neo-Proterozoic Era” mid “Ediacaran System”. In concert, a Sea animal predator fossil~563ma stratum suggests a lower stratum than 541ma Cambrian Period visa vice earlier this Centaurus Arm transition.

Introductory Primer:
From Geologic 'Period/System' Time Scales:
Incontrovertible sliding 6thinterval Galactic Arm 'bracketed Period sets' are Sagittarius (-58mavise-à-vis(vs) 359ma) Orion(0 vs 416ma), Perseus(71 vs 488ma) and Cygnus(146 vs~563ma). Where, negative time (-58ma) is future and positive time is past. Derived from references [2].

Calculation{1}, SgrA*SBc Galactic Arm Primer(basic):


Figure1: Primer idealization of Period dating. Inter Period intervals(Column E), spanning the Phanerozoic Eon, as perception of equal interval pairings. These largely equate to polar degree age equivalences. Equation shows strategic +7, -7 ma shifts generate universal common differential interval sets.

Central Bar alignments, Calculation {2}
An uniquely common ~1ma -8C step thermal signatures found at OligoceneOi1@33ma, Ordovician Gutenberg Isotope Carbon Excursion(GICE@396ma))[3], and Triassic Carnian Pluvial Episode (CPE@234ma))Isotope Carbon Excursion (ICE). Figure Two, viewed from North Galactic Pole (NGP) the CB Clockwise from Sol at a past 28d angle. Separation of Oi1 and GICE is 418±2ma, where 234ma CPE is post 243mamidway point (Note 2: Doubled CB). Assuming 360degrees across 420mayields 0.86degrees/ma (argument for 28 ±5 degree angle).

Phanerozoic Eon Cipher, Calculation {3}
Emphasizing IUGS v2004/01, v2008/01, v2012/01 and v2020/01 ICC intra Arm Periods including CB near (CBn) and far (CBf), yields SOL Galactic Structure Year Association. Starting at Orion (A) @-1.8(-1.5degrees), +Cbn @31.9(27.5degrees), +Perseus @69(59.4degrees), +Norma-Cygnus @143.5(123.6degrees), +shaver @202.2(174.1degrees), +CBf @242.1(209degrees), +Scutum-Crux @287.1(283.1degrees), +Sagittarius @357.7(308degrees), +Orion @416.3(358.5degrees); +CBn @450.0(387.5degrees), +Perseus@487(419.4degrees), Norma-Cygnus @561.5 (483.6 degrees).

Note: Figure Two, Earth of SOL is presently at 0ma (0 degrees) top dead center.

The quad repeating cipher intra transitions are (A)33.7, 37.1, 74.6,58.6, 41, 40, 74.6, 58.6 (SUM=418.2ma) into the past from SOL's present approximate ORION Arm position. Goto (A) repeat.

SBc vise-à-vis SOL race:
A uniquely common 1ma -8C step thermal signature is found in OligoceneOi1 [3], Ordovician Gutenberg Isotope Carbon Excursion (GICE) [4], and Triassic Carnian Pluvial Episode (CPE) Isotope Carbon Excursion (ICE) [5]. Viewed from North Galactic Pole (NGP) the CB Clockwise from Sol at an approximated 22±6d angle. Separation of Oi1 and GICE is 418±2ma, where CPE is at the midway point. Assuming 360degreesacross 420ma yields 0.86degrees/ma race (argument for CB at 28±6 degrees to Earth). Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) absolute orbital rate variances do not perturb IUGS date angle patterning in a relative race condition; that only of relative rotation rates.


Figure2 Here-in: SgrA* defines the Galaxy's position against Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), and SBc defines a Milky Way Galactic Structure; SgrA*SBc is as a “Milky Way Galaxy” disambiguate.

Galactic SgrA*SBc Figure 2 brief:
Sol's Earth is in the minor Orion Arm, 33ma ago was at nearside Central Bar alignment at lower Oligocene. In the Geo-Galactic (computer) diagram Sol's Earth is top center. Past is clockwise in this diagram, as the Galactic Structure passes by Sol. From our Sol perspective, the Sagittarius Arm approaches from the left intercept 60ma from now, and Perseus Arm is at 71ma ago at a clockwise 62degrees. Perseus Major Arm signature observed as nine, one-million-year Sea level cycles[1]. Perseus and Scutum Major Arm passages, coincide with ~40ma extreme Thermal Maximums; Perseus (trans Eocene) and Crux upper Permian into lower Triassic.
Resolving the ambiguous:
Note#1 --- Primer exploratory perception:
Circa2000 decade, of USGS 1999 pattern perception(s) modified with Campanian Maastrichtian 71.3ma transition (of Dinosaur Decline arguments) and 563MaCygnus Arm (S11 predator Animal Auroralumina attenboroughii @ 563Ma). Other dates modified to generate common intervals. These found to align with Galactic Arms. First posted in Astronomy Magazine user thread, then Bad Astronomy Universe Theory (BAUT) user morbas, again Wikipedia user sabrom, then others; Astoundingly no previous work found.

Note#2 --- Double Central Bar Theories:
Cipher Central Bar alignment as a mechanism for EOT Grande Coupure (Oi1) [3], Carnian Pluvial Episode (CPE)[4], and Gutenberg Isotope Carbon Excursion (GICE)[5] causality. These initiated of single ~million year -8C global chill (interrupted) notch, elsewhere 'unnatural thus stellar' event. The CPE (234m) is 9ma from projected diametric central bar 243ma, equivalent to GICE 454 ma and Hirnantian ICE 444ma 10ma difference. And Oi2 at 24ma strongly project a near side 'double Central Bar' prognosis [10], all three ({Oi1 33ma, Oi2 24ma};{CPE 234, Smithian-Spathian 249ma}; {HICE 444ma, GICE 452}) having differing teleconference spacial angles for 1ma events at 9 thru 15maoffsets. [NASA two different bar lengths] and [6].

Note#3.0---Arm Spacing Large Igneous Provinces, Thermal Maximums
Thermal Maximums (Eocene and late Permian into Triassic), Large Igneous Provinces and Dinosaur Campanian rabid expansion into a Maastrichtian Decline.

3.The large igneous provinces positions approximate 180-degreelocations in major inter-arm patterning. Mid Permian trans mid-Triassic global thermal maximum causality as a projection of the later Paleogene Thermal Maximum patterning.
  1. The large igneous provinces position approximate 180-degreelocations in major inter-arm patterning. Mid Permian trans mid-Triassic global thermal maximum causality as a projection of the later Paleogene Thermal Maximum patterning.
  2. Arm passage of multiple million-year waveform are measured only once using a unique technique. Projection of [1] is assumed for all Arm passages, such as at the present Orion Arm Rapid Glacial Cycles.
  3. Artinskian Event: A warming event across 290-283ma, a Hag et al (circa 1967) major Crux Arm passage equivalence to major Arm Perseus passage. These as Circa 1987 Hag et al across Phanerozoic Eon.
  4. Note #4--- Interleaved 'interrupted' Chill Notch. Between Major and Central Bar sequencing, near side Perseus TM and far side Permian TM 'Rapid Deglaciation'; Neither interrupted while CB 1±0.5mainterrupted chills. Thus the CB may be an warming interrupt intermittent interference. As this point is maximum distance between Major and Nominal Arms {[Perseus Sagittarius];[Crux Cygnus]}. An argument for present day rapid warming rise, as Orion (minor) Arm passes SOL-Earth. We may need to enhance geothermal radiation to delay and/or moderate extinction. (Two terawatts of both Arctic circles at our disposal.)
Cipher Arms vise-à-vis IUGS v2020/01
  1. Perseus: 69 vise-à-vis 66 Paleogene Cretaceous
  2. Cygnus: 144 vise-à-vis 145 Cretaceous Jurassic
  3. shaver: 202 vise-à-vis 201.3 Jurassic Triassic
  4. Crux: 283 vise-à-vis 298.9 Permian Carboniferous
  5. Sagittarius: 358 vise-à-vis 358.9 Carboniferous Devonian
  6. Orion: 416 vise-à-vis 419.2 Devonian Silurian
  7. Perseus: 487 vise-à-vis 485.4 Ordovician Cambrian
  8. Cygnus: 562 vise-à-vis 541 Cambrian Ediacaran

    Cipher Central Bar vise-à-vis IUGS v2020/01

    1) Cbn Oi1 32ma vise-à-vis 33.03 Neogene Paleogene

    2) Cbf CPE 243ma vise-à-vis 234 Triassic Permian

    3) Cbn Guttenberg ICE 450ma vise-à-vis 443.8 Silurian Ordovician

    Doubled Central Bar evidence

    4) Cbn Oi2 24ma Doubled Central Bar near side

    5) Cbf Smithian-Spathian 249ma Doubled Central Bar far side

    6) Cbn Hirnantian ICE 444ma Doubled Central Bar near side​

[1] Late Cretaceous sea - level changes in Tunisia: a multi-disciplinary approach, Liangquan Li and others, 2000.

[2] Odin 1982, Snelling 1985, USGS 1999 and IUGS 2004, 2008, 2016 and2020 to present.

[3] Zanazzi (et al.) 2007 'Large Temperature Drop across the Eocene Oligocene in central North America' Nature, Vol. 445, 8 February 2007

[4]Climate variability during the Carnian Pluvial Phase — A quantitative palynological study of the Carnian sedimentary succession at Lunz am, Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria Mueller Steven,2016.

[5] The “Guttenberg” positive δ13C excursion (GICE) interval ofLatest Sandbian–early Katian (Late Ordovician) spans ca. 1.2-million-year inAsian reference sections Mingcai Hou 2023'


[7] FYI: The absolute or Cosmic Microwave Background relic (CMB Galactic year) orbit of SgrA* is SOL v SgrA* (SOL vis visa Sgr A*). Where-in Sgr A* has CMB relative dynamic of importance; Otherwise just 'Galactic Year'.

[8] IUGSInternational Chronostratigraphic Chart v2020\01

[9] Snelling editor (composite Chronology of the Geologic Record. Boston, Blackwell Sci Pubs, 1985.

[10] Svensmark The Chilling Stars Cosmic View 2007 specifically Nir Shaviv.

[11] Smithian-Spathian boundary event: Evidence for global climatic change in the wake of the end-Permian biotic crisisThomasGalfetti;2005 249ma

[12] Wilsonet all (2008). The Oligocene–Miocene Boundary – Antarctic Climate Response to Orbital Forcing.

[13] Widmann, Philipp; Bucher, Hugo; Leu, Marc; et al. (2020). "Dynamics of the Largest Carbon Isotope Excursion During the Early Triassic Biotic Recovery "

[14] Hallam, A.; Wignall, P. B. (1997). Mass Extinctions and Their Aftermath. Oxford University Press, UK. p.143.ISBN978-0-19-158839-6. Extinctions with and at the close of the Triassic


Earth has more phosphorous in various forms than anywhere else (in space). Venus's atmosphere is directly hit by solar wind, which would strip away its outer layer(s) of light Phosphine (PH3) gases, solar wind pushing it out to Earth' and elsewhere. Projecting a (very rare) earth of 'rabid' life evolution aids as extinction recoveries.

Black Hole Gravity radiation. Paleogene Eocene Thermal Maximum between Major Perseus Arm and Minor Orion Arm vise-à-vis an unshielded stellar void. And, Equivalents with Permian Triassic Thermal Maximum of major Perseus minor shaver sequence. Both sequences vulnerable to Central Bar unshielded chills.

Seeing Central Bar rotation measured rate discrepancies, perhaps explained by multiple CB 1ma -8C dating variations of 'Wizard of Oz' caused by Magnetar, Black Holes, Neutron Stars “Oh My”. As Geologic dating becomes more across this endeavor patience pays dividends. In our time Raup and Sepkoski would have found this.
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