Sorry I couldnt understand the problem you percieve in my example. I have specified when the earth person sends the message. The example has nothing to do with where the ships are wrt to earth. They could be a hundred lightyears away. After all.. they have instantaneous communicators.<br /><br />Michaelson-morley's experiment was not to disprove the existance of the ether, it was to find the speed of the ether relative to the earth.<br /><br />Its ok to doubt my explanations of relativity. Im not claiming to be an expert. But you must believe that if you put 100 astrophysicists into a room and asked them if relativity was demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt, and to a very high accuracy, way WAY beyond any margin of error, about 99.5 of them would say yes, and they would also say various instruments built using the principles of relativity would just not work if it was in error. They would place it a long LONG way from string theory, which I am pretty sure has never been used to aid in the design of any real world tool.<br /><br />That is hardly a scientific argument justifying relativity, just a statement of historical fact.